Chapter 1

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-Quinn pov- Glee practice-
It's been a week since Rachel told Finn that he wasn't the father of my baby. It's been a week that Noah and Finn been fighting. It's been a week that I've found out I don't love them. Neither of them will be the dad.

"I'm the biological dad dickweed" Noah pushes Finn

"So what I would be a better father then you!" Finn pushes Noah back

"Boys please" I look up and see Rachel trying to separate them "stop this isn't good for their health!"

I smile "who do you want?" I look at puck confused "me or Finn as the dad?"

Finn nods his head "yeah!" He points to himself and Noah "me or puckzilla?"

I look at everyone staring and sigh "well" I stand up and walk toward Noah, Finn, and Rachel "I pick....Rachel!"

Everyone 'whats' and puck scrunches his eyebrows together "but she's not a dude!"

I shake my head "I don't care" I wrap my arm around Rachel "she's the only one who's actually tried helping me and gone to appointments and cared!"

Finn scoffs  "but she's a girl and you're straight so you two can't be dating" he looks at Puck and the glee group confused "right?"

Kurt holds up his hand "I say we do an experiment" we all look at him "Rachel and Quinn have to live together in a house, come to school, eat lunch together, take care of each other, and act like a couple"

Mercedes nods "and if they can last through that then they obviously are meant to be parents!"

I smile and nod "excellent idea"

"STOP!" We all jump an look at Rachel who looks absolutely destroyed "do I not get a say in my love life? Or my life I general?"

I nod "of course you do Rachel we ju-"

She shakes her head "then you'll all let me leave" she looks into my eyes "you can't just magically decide you love me after all these years Quinn" she walks out of the room as Mr. Shue comes in

He looks at us all "what just happened?" No one answer and he sighs "either answer or we do show tunes for a whole year"

Tina jumps up "Quinn wants Rachel to be the other parent of her child instead of Puck and Finn and Kurt and Mercedes made a plan for them to pretend to be a married couple and Rachel left devastated cause she was havin no say in her personal life" she quickly breathes and sits down "sorry I just can't do show tunes for a whole year"

Mr. Shue looks at us and shakes his head "I'm tired of this" he packs up his things "you all get Rachel back and become a team and glees back but until then I'm gone and so is glee" he walks out

I sigh "what have I done"

-Rachel pov-
I'm in the bathroom catching my breath. When I left glee three Cheerios started chasing me. I ran as fast I could.

I hear the door open "look what we have here" I turn and see the three and two new girls holding slushies "it's Rachel Berry" they smile evilly and launch the slushies at me laughing

I start to cry "why can't you all just stop it" they laugh more "please" I back up to the wall and hear cameras click

"These are good pictures Quinn will be happy tomorrow" I hear the door open again "bye man hands"

I stay on the floor cryin my eyes out "I'm a star, I'll be a star" I wipe my eyes and look around "my star is fizzling out, my star is gone" I feel all emotions leave me as I get up and leave for home

-Next day- Quinn pov-
I walk into school and see everyone laughing "what's so funny?" I see Santana looking worried "SAN?"

She jumps "no you need to leave now!"

I narrow my eyes and walk up to her "why?" She nods toward the group "MOVE!" They disperse out of my way and I see it. Rachel covered in a rainbow of slush crying on the floor in a bathroom

"Look it's Rachel the slushy unicorn!" A jock yells and everyone laugh but Rachel just walks on

I run up to her "Rachel are you ok?" She doesn't respond just stops at her locker "Rachel?" I turn her around and see her eyes look dead

She doesn't put her her usual smile just looks dead "hi Quinn like the new nickname it's kinda clever Rachel the slushy unicorn" she turns back grabs her stuff and looks at me "bye Quinn" she walks away

I stare at her "what happened to Rachel Berry?"

We are all siting in the room talking about songs when Rachel comes in late "hey Rachel you're late?" She doesn't acknowledge Mr.Shue just sits away from the group "you ok?"

She looks straight head "never better"

Puck scrunches his eyebrows "hey my Jew princess you sure?"

She nods "never better" she looks up at Mr. Shue "so who's gettin the solo?"

He looks at her confused "well since it seems everything is ok to continue I'd say you do"

She shakes her head "I don't want the solo"

The whole class just stares at her "did you just say you don't want the solo?" She nods "Rachel as your teacher I must say I don't think you're feeling well are you sure your doing ok?"

She stands up "I'm fine" she walks to the door "I just quit" she walks out

I look at Santana and she nods and I run after Rachel "Rach!" As I get closer I see Cheerios and jocks with slushies

I watch her get slushied "you can't burn my star anymore it's already gone" she walks to the main doors

I run up to her and stop her "Rachel snap out of it you're still a major star" she doesn't look at me so I make her "Rachel you're my star I need you" I see her still dead in her eyes so I kiss her on the lips

-Rachel pov-
I feel Quinn kiss me and I feel my heart start beating fast. I feel like I'm comin back.

"Quinn?" I remember what the girls said and push her away "no you're my bully you wanted those pictures you RUINED ME" I feel the tears and run out of school leaving Quinn crying behind me

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