Chapter 11:Lucy

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-Quinn pov-
I walk into school without Rachel. I'm not in the mood for anything or anybody. I go straight to my locker to grab my stuff. I'm there for a minute when I feel a splash of cold on my back.

"OH HELL NO!" I turn and see Santana running straight toward a Football player "You are so dying today!"

"Santana stop" David steps in and holds her back and I won't lie my heart breaks a bit "Let me"

Soon the football player is on the ground blocking punches from Dave. I'm frozen watching this unfold. This isn't what she'd want if she was here. She never likes any of this fighting.

"Stop!" I push Dave and get him off the guy "Enough! What would Rachel think? She is in the hospital not dead but could've been close! Now stand down and enough!"

"So the bitch finally tried" my blood runs cold when I hear a laugh "I gotta admit I'm happy to hear it but sad it won't be the end of her miserable li~"


I turn and stare in awe with the rest of the students. In this school you'd expect any glee member, friend of ours Jock, maybe sue and on a very weird off chance Shue to hit them. Today was a very, very off chance day.

"If I ever hear that again I'll risk being fired before I hit you!" Emma is standing in front of Shue and Figgins who are both shocked "Understand me?!"

The boys run away and I stand there. I look at Dave who's just as shocked as me. Emma fluffs her skirt and walks away acting like nothing happened.

"So" I look at Santana who's shocked at what just happened "That happened right?"

I nod my head "Yeah" I grab a towel and spare shirt from my locker "I'm gonna go clean up"

-Rachel pov-
"Oh!" A picture of Daddy being attacked by a duck is shown to me "That was when he tried to pick up a baby duck but met the momma instead!"

I hear a scoff "Funny Lee" I look at Daddy who's smiling and writing my information down "You're in good conditions kiddo..When are you moving back?"

I knew that was coming "When do you want me to?" He looks at me "Daddy I'm fine to comeback home if you two really want me to..I just gotta talk with Quinn first"

"It's up to you" Dad gets up and stands by Daddy "You are in charge of you we'll support you no matter what"

"Thanks I'll talk with Quinn when she gets here" I smile but frown when they don't smile "What?"

"I said You are in charge and when you want baby girl" Dad seems angry "So what's your decision?"

I look at them both "I am talking with Quinn" I hear a growl "Hey you said I'm in charge and I want to discuss this with Quinn!"

"You're being stupid!" I feel tears hit my eyes "You're a damn teen and we've let this go on long enough you're coming home we have you a chance"

"I'd advise you to leave" they move out of the doorway and Judy is there with a doctor "right now you need to leave and let this girl be I know you two are better then this!"

They grumble out the door. I answer the doctors questions and he leaves. Judy sits down beside me and smiles. I look at her confused at why she's all smiles now.

"I finally got the nursery finished completely, oh and I got the decorations you asked for put up around the house" she keeps listing off stuff and smiling the whole time and I can't help but smile "Oh and I found this cute picture frame that I can put every picture of the baby over a 12 month period!"

I laugh "Sounds amazing mom" I freeze after saying that "Oh god I'm so~"

I get cut off by a hug "I'm so happy to hear that" I feel my shoulder get wet "I'm so happy"

"You aren't mad?" She pulls away and shakes her head no "You think Quinn will?"

"I think Quinn will be ok with it" She wipes away her tears "Oh I got tear stains on the shirt!"

I chuckle "it's fine" I grab one of her hands "Wanna see some pictures?"

-Quinn pov-
Schools finally done!! I get in my car and start it up when I hear tapping and jump. I see Tina standing there. I roll down the window so we can talk.

"Hello" I wave and wait for her to continue "Can you please tell Rachel...can you tell her I hope she gets better?"

I smile "Yes" she smiles "You wanna come?"

"No I wish but" she looks over to her car "I have to get home and do some chores and homework"

I nod and we say goodbye. I pull away from the school and head to the hospital. When I pull into the lot I see my moms car. I park and head to Rachel's room.

"Oh you look so precious" that sounds like my mom "Lucy was always so hard to get into a bathtub"

I hear Rachel laugh "I'd love to see one of those pictures" oh god Rachel seeing Lucy isn't something good "Do you have a picture on you?"

She wouldn't.

"I don't have a baby one" I sigh in relief...stupid me "I have one of her before McKinley"

I rush into the room but it's too late. I can see what picture she sees through the back. It's Lucy Caboosey in all her glory. Fat and ugly.

"She looks so pretty!" What?! "Quinn why have I never gotten to see this side of you?"

"You have with Star Wars and that's all you need to see!" I grab the photo away quickly "I hated Lucy she's not here anymore and never will again! She's DEAD!"

I hear a choked sob and realize I ripped the photo. I look and see my mom trying to put it together again. She's picking up the pieces and putting them together. What did I just do?

"I gotta go" with that I'm running to my car and speeding away "I'm so stupid"

So stupid

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