Chapter 8: Judy

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-Rachel pov-

I wake up and look around the room. I smile when I see Quinn peacefully asleep beside me. I look to my right and see Puck asleep which means a lot he's here. I look to the left and see a puffy, red eyed, and very tired looking Judy Fabray.

"Hi" she yawns "He told me to stay I'm sorry if this makes everything bad..I can go"

"Cafeteria?" she smiles and nods and we head down, grab some food, and sit to talk "What do you want?"

"To apologize honestly I was going to just leave and never come back into her life" I see tears forming in her eyes "I want my baby girl back and happy to see me and I messed that up but you helped me come to my sense with that slap and I want her just to be happy even if...even if that's without me"

"Judy" I can see she's being genuine "I know Quinn may not show it but not having you hurts her and I want her to have her mom even if I can't"

"You make her so happy" I smile "The last text she sent me was about someone she had met that made her feel on cloud 9 and she never wanted to lose the feeling"

"I'm never leaving her anytime soon" I put a hand on one of Judy's "Go home sleep and come back after I've talked with her ok?"

Judy starts to break down again "Thank you!" she wraps me in a hug and starts crying "Thank you so much"

"You're welcome" I push her back a bit "It's not a for sure she won't get mad seeing you later but I'll try my best"

"That's all I can ask" She hugs me again and gets up "Thank you again" she walks out leaving me to figure out a plan of action

-Quinn pov-

I wake up to the bed empty and instantly freak out. I start hyperventilating and rapidly pushing the Doctor button. Apparently Puck gets woken up and is trying to help but I can't focus. The doctor doesn't seem to help either. It's only okay when Rachel who's carrying food comes in I start to breath again.

"What happened?" Rachel is drained of color and visibly shaken "What happened to her?"

"She seems to be suffering from some separation anxiety right now" The Doctor looks at me "Please can you stay with her and warn us both if you're going to leave?"

Rachel nods "Yes sir" The doctor checks the monitors then walks out and Rachel hands out food "Sorry if it's not the best it's cafeteria food"

"It will be just fine" I give her a quick kiss on the cheek "You seem like you wanna say something"

She gives a big sigh "Your mom will be coming back later" I go to start yelling but Rachel holds a hand up "I talked with her and apparently so has Puck...She honestly wants to try again"

"She was dragged here by force by your dad" I look at Puck and see him just staring angrily at the ground "He lefts marks on her like her beat her for not saying where you are"

"Alright" They both look at me and I sigh "I'll talk to her but only because you are too cute trying to help and Puck has pretty good judgement when it comes to character even though he doesn't use it much"

"Hey!" we all laugh and the tension that was building is gone "I'm gonna head home and change thanks for the food Rach"

She smiles "Welcome and no paying me" Puck stops reaching for his wallet "It's fine"

"I'll be back later" He looks at me "Have Rachel text me if there is a emergency and you take it easy baby momma"

When Puck leaves I look at Rachel "Honestly think she's trying?" Rachel smiles and nods her head "Alright bring her in"

-Judy pov-

I walk into Quinn's room and see Quinn and Rachel playing a game together. They look so happy together. I like seeing my little Quinny this happy. I hope she can forgive me.

"Mom" I snap out of my thoughts and smile at Quinn "You gonna come in all the way?"

"Oh yeah sorry!" I quickly walk into the room and stand awkwardly by the bed, a mom standing by her own daughters hospital bed awkward who'd imagine "Sorry"

"Rachel can we please have some time?" Rachel smiles and nods and leaves "What do you want mom?"

I see Quinn's smile is partially gone and sigh "I want to be your mom again and this time no sexist homophobic pig of a father" I see Quinn smile at those words "I just want to be apart of my daughters grandbaby's life...I'm so sorry"

I feel the tears start coming and Quinn pulls me close "Alright you've got once more shot" I pull back and see her smiling and I do too "But please don't ever let that man I called a father near my baby or us again please"

I chuckle "Don't worry he's sitting in a jail cell and will be for a while" Quinn looks confused and I explain "I pulled up how many times he's done tax fraud and tax evasion along with some other illegal things"

Quinn smiles wide and hugs me "Thank you so much" While we hug I feel a small kick and pull back "I guess the baby is happy too"

I laugh and put a hand on her stomach "You're going to be a great mother Quinny" I kiss her forehead "And you've got one hell of a woman out there in Rachel"

She laughs "Thank you" She goes silent and looks at her hands but then looks back up at me "I'm scared of what will happen mommy"

I cringe inside at the weakness of her voice but just grab one of her hands "I'm here and so are your friends baby girl" I pull her close and let her cry "I'm right here"

I finally have my baby girl back and NOTHING is making me lose her again.

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