Chapter 9: Im sorry

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-Quinn pov-
I'm running beside Rachel and doctors on a gurney. She has blood all over and she isn't breathing on her own. I get taken away by my mom. I fall into crying my eyes out. I just got out of here. Why am I back? Why her?

-A few days ago-
"Come on Quinny" I get wheeled to my moms van "get in so we can get home!"

I glare at Rachel who is smiling with my mom. My mom has moved out of the house and is living with us now. She wanted away and had no where else to go. It's helped with the healing between our relationship knowing her and Rachel are fine.

"Quinn" I'm startled out of my thoughts by Rachel who's frowning "you ok? you spaced while I was talking"

I nod my head "yeah" I give a small smile "what were you saying princess?"

Rachel looks ahead again "you have an appointment tomorrow morning with a counselor" I hear her sigh and realize I must look mad "I know you don't wanna go but.."

"It's just for help" I hear my mom finish Rachel's sentence "they wanna make sure you're ok"

"Alright" I sigh "I'll go"

I can feel them smiling which I can't help at smile at. I want this to not be a dream. But I can't shake this feeling somethings going wrong.

-Rachel pov- next day-
I wheel Quinn into my councilors office. We sign in and soon enough she goes off to her appointment and me secretly to mine. No one knows I've been coming. Well Judy does but that's cause I needed a ride yesterday before picking up Quinn.

"Hello Rachel" I see my counselor sitting on his usual chair "come on sit down"

"Hello Mr. Edge" I sit down on the couch and he rolls over "how are you doing?"

He smiles "I'm good but" he points at me "I should be asking you that love"

I look at the ground "I'm not doing so great" I take a deep breath and sigh "the thoughts are back and happening more and more...I just need help"

"I know what it's like" I look up at him confused he's never said that before "this office tells me to keep quiet sometimes...when I was in school people made fun of me because my last name, how I looked, my lisp and impediment, they even laughed at my hair when it started to recede"

I give a small laugh "recede?" He squints at me and we both chuckle "sorry continue please"

"I was like you" he looks at me and gives a small smile "I was lost in the world and had no clue what to do, I was ready to just call it quits...but as some people put it I wasn't as far gone as my friend"

"Sorry to interrupt" he tilts his head "your friend?"

"My friend hung herself in middle" I see a tear form and he shakes his head "I was thinking about ways to just do it but one night I had enough and I talked to my mom, someone I love and trust, and we talked that's what I want you to do talk to who you love and trust"

I nod "I understand and Edge?" He raises a eyebrow "did it get better?"

He sighs "I still have the thoughts but my life is what it is and how I make it" he smiles "my family has taught me I'm great the way I am and I shouldn't change that"

I smile "thank you" I get up and walk out so I meet Quinn by the end of her appointment. We'll talk tonight.

-A few hours before-
I finally get Quinn alone and into a conversation. It's been a day since and we haven't talked. She's been leading the conversation so when I find my opportunity I try to take it.

"Hey Quinn I wanted to tell you something" I sigh "I've been having issues major issues you could say and my counselor told me to talk to.."

"Counselor?" I look at her and see her start to get mad? "You told someone else that before me?"

I nod my head "yeah I didn't wanna worry you while your-"

"SHUT UP!" I flinch "do you know how stupid that sounds? I'm your wife talk to me" she gets up mad and walks away

I feel the tears start to fall "that's what I was trying to do" I hear all the voices and doubts creep in and before I fully know what's going on I see red then nothing

-Judy pov-
I go downstairs to the kitchen where I see Rachel laying on the floor surrounded by blood. I let out a loud scream and Quinn is running in soon.

"What's wrong?" I just stand there and she slowly walks up and I hear her breath hitch "oh god!" She's soon on the ground grabbing Rachel

I run to the wall phone and call 911. It's about 10 ministers before they get there and we are speeding to them. I hold onto Quinn as we follow them in. I pull Quinn away when we get to restricted area. She collapses onto me and cries. All I can do is hold on to my baby and grand baby. Everything has to be alright. Everything has to be alright. Right?

-author note-
Yes the edge part is some of my own story. It's the way the story was supposed to go during the part before middle. Next up Rachel telling Quinn and some Puck and guy fight at school. May put a mature rating on this story soon. Sorry if this upset anyone.

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