Chapter 5:High hopes

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-Rachel pov-
I wake up and see Quinn missing "Quinn?" I jump up and look around "QUINN!"

I run into the bathroom and see nothing. I run around the room and see her chair gone. I run to the living room frantically searching for her.

"Are you ok baby?" I turn and see Quinn holding a tray on her lap with two plates of breakfast "I was gonna surprise you with breakfast but you seem confused and awake" she smiles shyly at me

"Aww!" My heart melts and I walk up and push her to the room "I'm sorry princess I just noticed you gone and...and"

"Rachel?" I feel a tear fall down as I sit on the bed "Rachel? Are you ok?"

I shake my head "i thought you had left me" I feel the tears flow "I thought I had lost you for good"

"Oh sweetie!" She moves the tray away and gets on the bed beside me "I would never leave you I...I."

I frown "I love you" I get up "it's three words you tell someone you absolutely love and care about"

I see her frown "Rachel please I can say them" she reaches for my hand

I shake my head "i don't think you can" I walk to the door "I'll see you later" I walk out and off to school

-Quinn pov- school-
I wheel into school when "QUINN!" I cringe and turn to see a angry...Dave? "Kurt says you broke Rachel! how?"

"I...I don't kno-"

"QUINN!" I turn and see Santana angrily march toward me "YOU UNLEASHED A EMOTIONAL HOBBIT ON THE SCHOOL!"

"I just got here" I look at both of them "she left a few minutes before Puck got me how could she be that bad?"

"SHE CANT SAY IT BLAINE!" I know that voice I turn and see a guy holding a phone in his hand "SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME!"

"Hi I'm Blaine Anderson leader of Dalton Warblers Rachel's best friend"


Blaine's eyes go wide "no where!"

"This isn't no where" we all cringe at Rachel's calmness "this is my school"

I turn and look at her "Rach baby please" I wheel toward her "calm down some alright"

She takes a deep breath "I'm sorry everyone but" she sighs "never mind" she walks past us and out the doors

"Yo" I look and see Puck finally walk in "rachel is so mad she's leaving school"

I hang my head "why can't I just say I love her"

"Do you?" I look up and Blaine "I mean do you honestly love her?"

"Yes...I think"

He smiles "let's test this" he waits for my nod to continue "do you see a future with her?"

I smile "yeah!" I feel my smile get bigger "I see us in a great big house..oh she has all of her awards on a shelf..and..and all my diplomas and certificates are on a shelf too...and there's a shelf for our kids awards...they are like their momma...dramatic but sweet and always wonderful to be around even when you can't turn off her mouth..oh and we have a dog named Goldie he's a golden retriever!"

"I never have liked golden retrievers" I turn and see Rachel "I've always like german shepards"

I smile with tears falling "I'm okay with whatever as long as I have you"

She walks up and hugs me "I love you Quinn and I'll wait forever if I have to just to hear you say it back"

"You don't have to wait" she pulls back and I kiss her lips "I love you Berry"

-Will pov-
We watch on the hall monitor as the scene goes down "alright Figgins hit the bell"

Figgins nods and hits the button "Will?" I look at him "will you ever tell me why you are so keen on helping them so much?"

I smile "cause I may never have a kid of my own" I look at the monitor again "so they are my kids for now and forever..I love them like my own"

Figgins nods "you better get to class Shue"

I nod and walk but stop "and Figgins we aren't done talking about the other thing"

He sighs "later Shue later"

I nod and leave

-Rachel pov- glee-
We are sitting in glee when Shue walks in "anyone got a.." He looks at me "go ahead Rachel" he walks to a seat smiling

"So I may seem like I have a great life and got it all figured out but.." I sigh "but I don't know what is gonna happen and I wanna sing this song because my life has been weird recently and I think it works I don't know it's not a musical"

I nod to the band and start
(Imagine it's Rachel singing and instead of mama said in the lyrics it's daddy said)

Quinn wheels up and we hug "I love you princess"

I kiss her forehead "I love you too"

Life seems good. Very Berry good!

{credits Panic at the disco and Lyrics lover/s}

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