Chapter 17: The storm

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-Rachel pov-
I move with Santana to get Brittany away from the scene. She's livid and no one has ever seen her like this. Santana takes her away from me and starts calming her down. I hear footsteps and turn to see Quinn walking toward us. Figgins behind her.

"I need Brittany girls!" He looks past me to Brittany "She will only be out for a few days and one detention I promise"

Brittany slowly walks to him "How many days?" Figgins holds up 2 fingers and she nods "Let's go"

Santana tried to stop her but Quinn and I hold her back. She collapses down and sobs. I look at Quinn and see two emotions, anger and sadness. The sadness flicks on when she looks at Santana and anger when she looks at me. What did I do?

"San can I talk with Berry for a second alone?" She hasn't called me that in a while "Please"

"No" Quinns head snaps to Santana "You are angry at her for no reason"

Quinn growls "She was in a closet with a baby cheerio! The cheerio make out closet we go with all our relationships!" I look at Quinn confused and hurt and start to back away "Wait Rachel"

"No I knew you were just using me some how" I feel tears start to form "Was it just so you could come out? So your baby could have a mom? I'm sure Santana and Brittany could've sufficed why did you have to drag me along? Am I not good enough?!"

"You are Rachel!" Quinn steps toward me but I back away again "Baby please I'm sorry let's just talk this over ok? It'll be fine...We will be fine!"

"I'm a loser and the jokes on me right?" I scoff and shake my head "Wedding day or graduation?"


"Which were you gonna announce and embarrass me that you didn't really love me?" Quinn opens her mouth but I cut her off "I don't wanna know just take your damn ring!"

I throw the ring at her and run. I run out the doors and don't stop. I don't know where I'm going but I'm going somewhere. I just can't be near her. I can't get hurt again.

-Quinn pov-
I stare at Rachel's ring. It's just laying on the floor. I fall down beside it and keep staring. I hear Santana move and look. When I fully turn I get slapped back to where I was looking. She tackles me and starts beating on me but I don't make a move to get her off. She's not hitting my stomach just arms and face. What am I gonna do?

"You dumbass worthless bitch!" I get slapped again "You just lost the second best thing that's happened to you because of lies you got told!! Have you even noticed I have white hair?!?!"

I finally look at Santana better and see it "Oh god what happened to you?" She growls "What?"

"Sasha put bleach in my shampoo" She points to the ring "She also got the jocks to give your ex non vegan slushies all morning long!!"

"She's not my ex!" I push Santana off me and she thuds "Oh god Santana!"

"Get away from me" she grabs her head and scoots away "You fucking freak"

The bell rings and I quickly grab the ring. I get up and walk to my locker. I put it in a small box that's in there. I grab my keys and the box then head to my car. I need to get my girl back now.

But where is she?

-Rachel pov-
Lima bean what a place to be. I grab my coffee and sit down away from everyone. I take a couple sips and pass it hand to hand. I never leave school early but...I can't be there right now.

"You ok?" I look up and see a older lady with brown hair like fact she kinda looks like me "Mind if I sit? You seem like you have a lot on your mind"

"No you can sit" she smiles and sits across from me "So you always just approach upset teenagers or is this a ploy?"

"I'm a teacher so I deal with this a lot" I smile and take a drink of my coffee "You wanna hear about my worst so you may feel better?"

"Sure" I didn't mean to answer like that "If you want that is!"

"It's no problem" The lady sighs and spins her cup around "I was just out of college when two gay guys put a ad in the newspaper...seemed perfect I'd always wanted to be a mom and maybe they'd let me see the baby...not the case when the baby was born I had to sign a no contact contract until she was 18 and let's just say I've broken it but they don't know"

"If you could see your child again what would you say?" I wanna make her feel better "I mean if you've broken it once can't you break it again?"

She smiles and nods "I'd say you have the most beautiful smile, the most lovely voice, and look so much more like me the I ever thought possible" tears form in her eyes "I'd tell her I'm sorry that I left her alone for so long and that I want her back in my life if she'd let me have her"

"That sounds.." Like everything I want my mom to say "Amazing"

"Rachel!" I jump and look up to see a frazzled Quinn walking toward me "Please I'm sorry about everything I shouldn't have jumped the gun but they had me separated all day and I didn't know! Santana's slapped since into me and I'm so sorry!! Please I love you and I want you back!"

"Quinn can we please take some time apart?" Tears start forming in her eyes "I think we just need time to think ok?"

"No I love you and I can't live without you please!" People are starting to look but Quinn doesn't care "I need you Rachel come home"

"She said to take time no please leave"

Quinn looks at the lady as shocked as I am "Who are you?" She points a finger at her chest "You Don't know us!"

"My daughter said no so that's a no!" Holy shit that's "Shelby Corcoran mother of Rachel Berry Teacher at Carmel High"

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