Chapter 3

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-Quinn pov-
I walk into the house I'm gonna be sharing with my crush and now experimental 'wife'. A smile spreads across my face just thinking about it. She's my 'wife'.

"QUINN!" I jump and see Santana laughing "you ok blondie? you spaced out"

Rachel rolls her eyes "ignore her and" she walks past Santana "leave my wife alone" she walks up in the bedroom

"Oooooh wife huh?" I feel myself go red and Santana loses it "LOOK AT YOUR FACE!"

Rachel comes in and hits Santana "be quiet you" Santana glares "Lima heights I know" rachel walks up to me

"What you need?" I look at Rachel confused as she slowly crouches in front of me "what are you doing!?"

Rachel smiles "hey baby its mommy" she looks up at me "we just moved into the experiment house and aunts snix is showing her ugly attitude"

"I AM NOT" Santana gets beside Rachel "don't listen to her baby she's crazy and wears stuff that will match yous clothes"

I laugh at the two "you both are crazy" I watch them both get mad "momma is in trouble now"

They both get up and Rachel pouts "I'm not crazy" she looks at us both "am I?"

Santana shrugs "eh saying you aren't is like saying Brittany is all there" I see Rachel start to shake "you ok Berry?"

She puts on her normal smile "yeah I'm fine I know you guys are joking" she walks to the bedroom

I sigh "I'll go" I start to walk in when the door gets closed in my face "or not?"

-Rachel pov-
I close and lock the door "this isn't my life" I shake my head "she's hated me and is the reason my life's a mess"

I feel an anxiety attack coming on an fall to the ground and cry

"Rachel!" I hear Quinn on the other side "if you don't open the door I'll get Snix and she will break this door"

-Quinn pov-
Rachel doesn't open door "SANTANA GET MAD YOU DAMN WASTE OF SPACE!"

I see Santana's eyes get dark "what you call me?"

I smile in front of the door "YOU WASTE OF LIFE" she starts to rush at me "YOU WORTHLESS DYKE!" She runs and before I can move tackles me through the door

"DONT EVER CALL ME THAT YOU IN THE CLOSET LESBIAN!" She starts punching me and I can't block "you unleashed Aunty Snix and nothing will save you!"

I try to push her off "I' so" I taste blood and see my vision going "im sorry Santana"

"STOP" Rachel tackles off Santana "she's pregnant!"

Santana immediately comes back "oh god!" She picks me up and runs "you better be ok dumbass"

I laugh "but hey Rachel is ok" i feel some blood in fall out of my mouth "oh that's so gross"

-Hospital-Rachel pov-
I'm sitting beside Quinn who's asleep. She looks so peaceful. So...not her. I've only gotten to ever me the HBIC Quinn. Is there another version of her?

"Stop thinking so loud!" I look and see Quinn smiling "the doc said we are fine we are still.." She stops and frowns

I put my hand on her stomach "we are still moms as long as you promise me one thing" Quinn nods for me to go on "you have to stop being HBIC and be the real Quinn"

Quinn looks at my hand "well" she puts her hand on mine and smiles "alright for you I'll try to be better"

I smile and kiss her cheek "That's all I ask" we sit smiling at each other

"HEY!" We jump and see Brittany hitting a laughing Santana "sorry couldn't pass up the opportunity"

Brittany rolls her eyes and smiles "so Quinn is gonna be her normal Nerd gaming, Star Wars loving, and soft and cuddly self?"

I look at the horrified look on Quinn's face "so you love games and Star Wars you hipster geek/nerd"

Quinn shakes her head in embarrassment "don't go spouting it off please"

I smile "I won't" I turn toward the other two "Star Wars marathon at home?"

Quinn gasp "you would do that while I'm stuck here?"

I get up "someone decided to have snix tackle her through a door" I smile and walk up to them "let's go girls"

-1 hour and 30 min later- Quinn pov-
I'm laying in bed when there's a knock on the door "come in!"

I see Brittany come in with food "here's the snacks!" She brings them close

Next is Santana "sadly here is the movies" she hands them to me and I see its all of them "they are all there"

I look at them confused "how are we going to watch them?"

Santana's face goes pale "oh shit"

"I'm..I'm here" I look up and see Rachel breathing heavily carrying a flat screen "I'm here"

Santana runs up "I'm so sorry I forgot"

Rachel glares "you didn't forget you kissed Brittany and walked up" Rachel sets up the tv and walks up beside me "did you think we'd really not watch Star Wars with you?"

I smile "I kinda did but I'm glad you didn't" I pat beside me "sit?"

She smiles and sits "San pop in a movie and let's rock this marathon!"

There's a chorus of whoops and other cheers. This feels amazing knowing I have people who will be with me. But the question still remains.

Will this last? Will it work?

Will it work? (Book 1) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now