Chapter 10: End of the world as i know it

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-Quinn pov-

It's been hours. Everyone is here and there hasn't been an update. It's quiet minus the sounds of the hospital. I don't know if it's just me or that everyone is scared to speak first. I wanted Rachel to be ok. I thought she was ok. This is my fault though I pushed her away and now she's going to die. It's all my fault.

"Is the parents of Rachel Berry here? and also a Quinn Fabray?" I get up and walk to the doctor with her dads but stand away "She's going to be ok but she will have some scarring on her arms from the cuts and she's up and alert just please limit the visitors"

"Thank you Doctor" It Leroy who speaks up as Hiram just nods and the doctor leaves so I turn "Not so fast Quinn you are going into that room first"

I sigh "I can't" 

"Why not?" I hear Hiram's confused voice "Honey it's not your fa-"

"YES IT IS!" I spin around with tears falling down my face "She was trying to talk to me and I pushed her away now she's scarred and in a hospital bed because of me!"

"Because of us" I look at Leroy who has a serious expression on her face "She's had issues with this for years now and that's not just because of all the bullying but also because Hiram and I weren't always around now go and fix your girl!"

I nod my head "Yes sir" I walk to the door before turning  and hugging him "Thank you Lee"

He hugs me back "No problem sweetie" He pulls back and kisses my forehead "You're one of us too and we love you just as much as Rachel"

Hiram chuckles "Maybe even more" I give a small laugh and hug him too "Go fix our baby"

I pull away and walk straight to her room. I stop in front of the door and my nerves hit me again. But I know I can go in there. I have to.

"Rachel I'm coming in!" I open the door and freeze at what I see

-Rachel pov-

I'm laying in the hospital bed looking at my I.V. when the door burst open. I turn and see Quinn frozen in the door way. Do I look that bad? Is she going to leave me? What about that future she has planned? I just ruined all didn't I...

"I'm so sorry" Those words pull me out of my thoughts as Quinn comes over and starts crying and holding on to me "I promise I'll listen to you from now on whatever you have to say and I won't push you away I swear just don't leave me even though I don't deserve you"

"Quinn" She pulls back and I smile at her "I couldn't be mad at you and I'm the one who doesn't deserve you or the baby in my life I'm just gonna be a lim-"

"NO!" Quinn cuts me off pulls me close again "We're making it out of here even if it kills us to get out of here and nothing will stand in the way of the Berry's!"

The room goes silent "Berry's?" Quinn sits back "You wanna take my last name?"

Quinn smiles "Yes because I want to be with you forever and that was insure I have you with me even if it's Lucy Quinn Fabray-Berry" Quinn has tears start falling again "You scared us so much we can't make it without you"

"I'm sorry" I look at my hands "When you got mad the doubts and voices just crept in and I lost all hope and next thing I knew I was on the kitchen floor and bleeding"

Quinn uses her left hand to hold my face up "Baby I don't wanna hear sorry come out of your mouth again you've done nothing" She frowns and points at herself "I did it all and I'm so sorry about everything I've done I should've never treated you the way I did"

I smile "All is forgiven" I give her a kiss on the lips "Stay with me till I fall asleep?"

She smiles "Of course" She lays down beside me "I love you Rachel Berry"

"I love you Quinn Fabray-Berry"

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