Chapter 4

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-Quinn pov-
I'm being wheeled in to school by Rachel when I see Dave walking toward us with slushies.

"Oh no" we both stop and throw up our hands in a effort of protecting our faces

"It's ok put them down" we slowly do and see him smiling and holding a grape and lime slushy "I wasn't sure what one you liked but I knew it was Lime or watermelon"

I take it and smile "you got it right" I put my straw in and start drinking "it's good Dave thank you"

He hands the grape one to Rachel "I owe you the biggest apology" he sighs "I know what I've done is unforgivable but I figured it would be worth a shot since you forgave the Unholy Trinity"

Rachel smiles "thank you for the apology" she then takes the slushy "and the grape slushy it is my favorite"

He smiles "that's what I thought"

"Dave?" We look and see some jocks walking up "don't you know that slushy goes in losers faces not hands"

A jock goes to hit mine "NO" Dave pushes him back "not anymore"

A big Jock pushes Dave "what's up with you traitor?"

"Nothing Douche" all of sudden Puck and Finn push the big guy down "now it's even"

"Psst" I turn and see Kurt waving us over "come on" I pull Rachel's hand and we quickly run/wheel over

"What's going on? Dave doesn't like us!" I see Kurts smile "what happened?"

"Dave had some realizations called his parents" I tilt my head in confusion "he was ratted out by some bullied kids and Dave realized what he has done he's finally changed"

"Seems like you like him" Kurt glares at Rachel "what you have a dreamy look in your eyes"

Kurt looks down "I just don't know how well I can trust him"

I put my hand on his "Rachel is the same way right now but we are workin on it" I smile "you should try to"

He nods "alright" He looks up giving us a small smile "I'll try but if he pulls anything on you two tell me"

"we will Kurt but for now" I feel my wheelchair start moving again "its time for us to go to class"

-after school- Rachel pov-
I wheel Quinn into my house when we walk in and see a lady that looks like Quinn. I've never seen her before.

"This is my house now Judy since you and Russell decided to kick me out"

The lady steps toward Quinn mad "Don't talk to me that way I'm you're moth-"

"No" I step in front of Quinn "you  kicked this lovely woman out and now I'm kicking you out GET OUT OF MY WIFES LIFE!"

Judy puts her hand on her chest "WIFE?!?!" She scoffs "women can't be married to one another it's against religion"

I roll my eyes "I'm Jewish your point is?" I hold up my hand "I don't care that's the point now leave my wife, my kid, and me alone"

"Judy you said it wouldn't take long" a man walks in "who are you?"

"This...dyke is your daughters Wife"

The man goes red and looks at Quinn "first you get pregnant now you are gay!"

Quinn is in tears "it's my life Russell"

"IM YOUR FATHER!" He spins Quinn around "we are along you to a clinic now to take care of one of the problems"

"NO!" I tackle the man down "you won't take my family!"

"Hey I brought your final suitcase..." I look and see Puck mad "Get out of here both of you or I will throw you out"

"Why did you stop Noah?" I see my dads walk up "who are you tackling dear" its my dad Leroy talking

"That's Quinn's mom and dad"

My daddy (Hiram) walks in "move!" I get up and he pulls up Russell by his shirt "you and your wife leave and never ever come back to this home!"

Russell nods "yes sir" daddy let's him go and they leave

I grab Quinn "are you ok?"

She cries into my shoulder "why can I never be happy?"

I pull her into a cuddle on the floor "we are gonna be happy!" I kiss her cheek "we'll be married...and have a we'll have kids running around singing and dancing and cheering!"

She laughs "that sounds perfect" she looks me in the eyes "can i go to bed?"

"I'll get her" Puck picks her up and takes her to the room

I look up at dad and daddy "so hi"

They smile "hey baby girl" they pick me up and wrap me in a hug "we love you" I relax into the hug and feel loved and the only thing missing from this is my lovely Quinn Fabray

My lovely Quinn Fabray has a great ring to it.

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