Chapter 7:

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-Quinn pov-

"She might be a bit loopy when she wakes up" I slowly open my eyes and see a bright light "Looks like she's awake I'll leave you for privacy" I hear a door open then close

"Is this heaven?" I hear a laugh "I guess not"

"No it's still Ohio and you're still on Earth" I turn finally to see Rachel "Hey Princess"

"Hey" I sit up and see tears in her eyes and cheeks "Why are you crying?"

"WHY?!?!" I jump at her yelling "I thought I was going to lose you and the baby Quinn! Why didn't you tell me?"

I look at my hands "Because I wanted to know what happened the last time I saw him" I scoff "Guess I know now"

"Yeah you do" I look at the door and see Santana "You scared everyone and visited him after I told you what happened!"

"I know" I wipe a tear away "I just wanted to know for sure"

"Now you do" I look at Rachel who looks mad "Are you happy now?"

"No" I look at both of them "I'm sorry to both of you"

"What you did was foolish Quinn!" I flinch at Rachels calm but mad voice "You could've hurt yourself or the baby doing that and what would we do?"

"I don't know" I look at my hands "I really don't"

"QUINNIE!!" I look at the door and see my mom "Oh thank god you are ok!"

Puck steps in front of her "Out now" my mom looks at him confused "No after what you've done and said no get out"

My mom looks around him "Quinn explain to him that this is all a joke" I stay silent and she frowns "Quinn?"

"I love Rachel" I see her start getting mad "It's my life and my choices!" I push the call doctor button

The Doctor soon arrives "Is something wrong Quinn?" I point at my mom and he nods "Mrs. Fabray I'm gonna have to ask you to leave"

"WHAT?!?!" She pushes past Puck and gets in Rachels face "This is your fault you broke my precious ba-"

My mom gets cut off by Rachel slapping her "I didn't do anything" She slaps her again "I just showed her love while you kicked her out of your home and abandoned her"

"Mrs. Fabray" We look at the doctor "Leave now before I have you escorted out in cuffs"

"Al..Alright" My mom slowly walks to the door and turns toward me "I have somethings to think about" with that she leaves

"Please if anything else happens" The doc points to the button "Push that and I'll be here as fast as I can"

I smile "Thanks" He nods and leaves "Can I talk to Rach alone?" I look at everyone and they nod and leave

Rachel slowly walks toward me "Whats wrong?" she stops and slowly starts to turn pale "Was it the slap? I'm sorry if it was that she was just being rude and I-" 

"STOP!" Rachel immediately closes her mouth and looks at me "I wanted to talk to you about everything"

"I was filled in by Puck and Santana about it all" I mouth a oh "I just wish you could've come to me and talked instead of going behind my back"

I sigh "I know and I'm sorry"

Rachel puts up her hand "I'm not done" She walks to the chair beside me and sits "You have caused me so much anxiety and anger I don't know why but I still love you and want to still try and be your wife"

I feel a tear fall down my face "I'm so sorry" I try to get up but she holds me down "Bed rest right"

"How about you scoot over and I get up there?" I smile and make room for her to get up and lay beside "Now this is better"

We both laugh and we tell some stories. After a bit I feel Rachel fall asleep and I do too slowly after.

-Puck POV-

We are standing outside Quinn's room when I hear footsteps. I turn and see Quinn's mom back with Quinn's dad. Santana and I step in front of them while some of the others go to get security.

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!?!" Judy points at the door beside me "LET ME THROUGH!"

"No" He looks at me confused "Go away"

"Noah Puckerman you will let me through" When I don't budge his face gets red "NOW!"

"He will not" We all look behind the Fabray's and see the Hiram behind them and Hiram's pissed "What did I say about coming near them?"

"We'll take them Dr. Hiram" We look and see the group back with the doc and security "I warned you mam"


"No rights" We look at Hiram "My husband looked at Quinn's file she's emancipated so you have  no right to see her or talk to her without her consent"

"I didn't wanna bring him" We look at Judy who's in tears "I wanted to apologize to my sweet Quinnie and that girl that slapped some sense into me"

"Then why bring him?" The security guard's question is very good to tell what's going on "Truth mam" 

"He...He wouldn't let me leave without him" She rolls up her right sleeve and there's a huge red mark "I just wanted to apologize and leave her be since that's what she wants"

"Sir turn around" The guards slowly cuff Russel "You're under arrest for domestic abuse and harassment of minors"

We watch the guards take Russel away. I slowly let Judy look into the room and we see Rachel and Quinn asleep on the bed. I look at Judy and see happiness and love on her face along with some sadness.

"Well at least I'm leaving her in good hands" She turns to me and smiles "Thank you Puck"

I stop her "No" I sigh "Stay here she needs her mom more than you know"

Judy just nods and we walk in to the room and sit. We don't speak just sit there. Waiting for Quinn to get up. I know she'll be mad but she needs Judy more than anything or anyone else.

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