Chapter 16:The quick calm and storm cometh

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-Rachel pov-
I've gotten hello's from all the Cheerios and had a few slushy drinks from jocks. I'm super confused right now. It's been two days since the anniversary date and I don't know if this is Quinn's doing or what the hell is happening. All I know is the more grape slushies I have to drink the happier I'm gonna be!

"Uh h-hi Rachel" I turn and see a baby cheerio clutching her books tightly looking all over the place "Can we please talk somewhere privately?"

I nod and follow her to the closest janitors closet. She quickly pushes me in and closes the door behind us. I look at her a little confused and scared. I wasn't expecting that at all!

"How many slushies have you drank?" I look at her confused and she grabs my shoulders "How many?!"

"Five!" She lets go and her eyes go wide with fear "What did they do?"

"I tried to tell them not to but they wouldn't listen!" She starts rambling and I can't fully piece everything together but one sentence sticks out "I told them of Quinn found out they snuck her eggs and other no vegan stuff in those slushies they'd end up off the team or wishing they were dead but NO IM JUST A CHICKEN!"

"Eggs?" She stops rambling looking at me and nodding sadly "Oh god I'm gonna be sick"

She quickly grabs a mob bucket and holds it as I vomit up everything. I don't stop till I'm dry heaving. I don't even wanna stop there I want my stomach pumped and bleach in a cup! I can't believe I trusted them!

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell Quinn" I look at the girl who has been nice to me this whole time "I just got threatened that my secret would come out and...I was sure I might've talked them out of it..then I saw them make a grape slushy before I got to you and I'm so sorry!"

I put a hand on her shoulder "Quinn isn't do anything to you no one will" she smiles and I move the bucket away "But right now we need to go tell her"

"Ok" the girl turns around and pushes on the door but it doesn't budge "Uh it won't open"

I look and see the lock is on our side "How did you accidentally lock it?" She frantically messes with it and tried again but nothing happens "Oh god we are locked in!"

We start freaking out and banging on the door. This is not ok! Why the hell is this happening?! What did I do?!

-Will pov-
I'm walking toward Spanish class when I hear banging and yells. I stop moving and listen to find where it's coming from. I walk to the closest janitors closet and see a chain attached to a metal box. Why attach the door knob to a box that can only be cut? I hear the yelling more and a voice finally clicks.

"Rachel?" The yelling stops "is that you? Rachel!"

"Shue?" Oh god that's why "They locked me in here after giving me none vegan slushies all morning and I'm stuck in here with a very friendly baby cheerio!"

I feel anger bubble up "Hang on I'm gonna get you out" I run down to sues office and get on the intercom "Noah Puckerman come to the janitors closet East side of the school please!...and bring a bolt cutter!"

I run back to them and wait for Puckerman to bring the cutters. When he walks up with them I grab them and cut the chain off. The door opens and the girls run out hugging me. I look at Noah and see him angry and I can't blame him. They just really hurt one of own more then they ever have. This has gone too far.

"The hell did you use my...why is my baby cheerio hugging you?" She walks up sees the door "What's going on here!"

"Your Cheerios and some jocks decided to give Rachel non vegan slushies to drink and this cheerio was telling her" I point to the door "They locked them in my guess when they figured out they been found out"

"Is this true Corine?" The cheerio nods her head and wipes some tears away "Will get these girls to the gym now I have a meeting of fear to host"

-Time skip-Gym-Rachel pov-
I'm sitting next to Corine Sanders as she's finally said. She's pretty nice to talk to and I could see us being friends. A actual friend that wasn't from glee or because of Quinn or being gay. That'd be a nice change for once! What's not nice is seeing all of the jocks and Cheerios staring holes through us.

"Alright maggots!" We all look at Sue who's with Figgins, Beiste, and Will "I have learned we decided to give non vegan slushies to Rachel Berry today and lock one of our own in a small closet because she was warning Berry...WHY?!"

"They are afraid of catching the gay" we all look at Dave who walks out from beside the bleachers "I'm gay, Quinn's gay, Santana is, Brittany is, and Rachel is so they think that Berry spread the gay to them and will spread it around"

I know it's not true from one thing. Dave is trying too hard to not laugh. He's giving a story so the plan maker gives up their identity.

"No it's the same reason I got them to put bleach in Santana's shampoo!" A older cheerio stands up "We are tired of all the attention getting taken by the gays and a pregnant one at that!"

"Ah little miss Sasha" the girls eyes go wide "You dong have to worry about cheerio stuff anymore cause you're off the team!"

She lets out a growl and storms out of the room. Wait what did she say about bleach?! I quickly run out of the room and to the locker room. This is her gym class time. She's going to be taking a-

"WHO THE FUCK BLEACHED MY HAIR?!?!?!" I cringe as I get to the shower area and see a white haired Santana "Who was it Berry?!"

"Sasha she just got kicked off the team" Santana throws in some clothes and runs out with me chasing after "Don't get suspended Britt needs you!"

It doesn't help though. She's already running straight at Sasha fiat ready. What we didn't expect was Brittany getting there first and tackling her. When we get Britt pulled off Sasha has blood pouring from her nose. Oh this is not gonna be good.

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