Chapter 2

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-Rachel pov-
I walk into school and immediately see a slushy flying toward me. I close my eyes and prepare for the cold.

"THATS SO COLD!" I open my eyes and see Quinn drenched in lime slush "OH MY GOD IT BURNS TOO"

I lead Quinn to a bathroom "you're in the restroom good luck"

"You aren't gonna help me?"

I scoff "did you ever help me?" I see her frown "I had to find this restroom by myself while blinded because of you you can clean yourself"


I put my hands her shoulders "NO BUTS!" I push her back "clean your own dang self...asshole" I walk out of the restroom leaving Quinn alone

-Quinn pov-
Asshole....that's what she called asshole. She's not wrong. I want to change the way she sees me. I'm in love with her.

"OH GOD QUINN!" I hear Santana run in "I got you" I'm soon under the sink being cleaned

Once everything is off I open my eyes "thanks" I look at the mirror and see green stained in my hair and shirt "she's right"

Santana raises an eyebrow "what do you mean she's right?" She soon goes angry "is it the girl who did this to you?"

I shake my head with tears falling "no" I look at myself in the mirror "Rachel said it when she led me in here"

Santana sighs "Q you tortured her now you're torturing yourself" she comes up behind me and looks at me in the mirror "I don't really wanna see you hurt yourself or your reputation bu-"

I cut her off "THATS IT!" I watch her jump and I laugh "my reputation and hurting her is what is pushing her away"

I run out of the bathroom with a plan. I'm gonna start right away!

-Rachel pov-
I'm standing at my locker when "hello Rachel" I sigh and turn around to see...a non Cheerios Quinn "how are you doing?"

I look and see her in a squirrel sweater "uh what are you wearing?"

She looks down and back up smiling "my squirrel sweater" she hugs herself "I kinda like's comfortable"

I look around "alright stop making fun of me and put on your cheerio gear and hit me or something!"

She frowns "no" she shakes her head "I don't do that anymore and I quit the Cheerios"

My mouth falls open "but your popularity and your future!" I look and see two Cheerios walking up "oh no"

"What are you doing Quinn?" She looks her up and down "why are you in that ridiculous sweater?"

Quinn smiles brightly "I quit the Cheerios and I quite like this sweater"

The Cheerios smirks "so then nothing's stopping this" they both throw slushies at us "bye bye gleek freaks"

I grab Quinn's hand "follow" I lead us to the closest bathroom aka the janitors closet "let me get your eyes"

I wipe her eyes "I can see let me get you" she wipes my eyes and I see her smiling " I can see your beautiful eyes"

We stand there standing and staring at each other for a minute. We lean closer. We come close to kissing. But she pulls back.

"Not yet" I look at her confused and she smiles "1 we have to do a duet 2 I have to prove myself 3 we have to go on a date 4 we need to see how well we go together"

I nod "yeah and I got and idea"

-Glee-Quinn pov-
Me and Rachel are standing by the piano "hello class" Mr. Shue walks in and sees us "song? Or argument?"

I smile "song sir"

He nods smiling "floor" he jumps into a chair and we laugh "is all yours"

I look at Rachel "ready?" She nods "alright"

(First time they sing this song in my universe)
-play video-Yes it's not mine credit at bottom-

Rachel sighs "I've got something to say" we all look at her and she turn to me smiling "I'm willing to try the experiment"

I smile and hug her "I'm so glad to hear that" I pull back frowning "why do I feel like there's gonna be a but?"

She gives a small smile "but you have to promise 3 things" I nod for her to continue "1 no more slushies please I don't know if I can take them 2 we have to show we are a couple no hiding it 3 you can't be made for me being protective over my baby girls cause the baby will be a girl dangit"

I laugh "I agree with them all" I hug her "I promise I'll follow all three till I die"

She hugs me back sighing "good to hear"

"So" we break up and look at Santana "she's under protection of the unholy trinity I take it?"

I nod "as long as she's with me she is" I raise a eyebrow "is there anything wrong with that?"

Santana shakes her head "nope" she smiles "just glad to see your real smile back cap"

I smile as hug her. I feel like life is finally going the way it should. I think this is the start of something new and special.

{being a part of something special}

Will it work? (Book 1) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now