Chapter 13:Will you?

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-Rachel pov-
I walk into school finally! I'm back baby and better then ever!!!! I smile and go straight to my locker and see a bow on it and a card. I smile and take the card off to read it.

"Hey Princess!

Sorry I left early with no warning! I had a late planned practice that I forgot about. So I am just gonna have to give you this stuff to make up for it!

Hope you enjoy!


I smile and open my locker to see photos of us, hearts from top to bottoms and side to side, my books organized with bears on each, and a very expensive looking necklace! I smile and hold it in my hand admiring it.

"Hello Berry" I turn and see Dave holding my favorite slushy out "One special ordered slushy"

I smile and take it "Thank you kind sir" I go to put the necklace back up but he holds his hand out "What?"

"Let me put it on you!" I think about it then hand it over "Alright turn around"

I do and he puts the necklace on me. I give him a big hug then go for my books. I'm stopped by Kurt who just smiles and grabs them for me. I narrow my eyes at him and he shrugs. I turn for Dave but he's gone? What just happened?

"Let's go to class" I nod and continue onward drinking the grape slushy "Love the necklace by the way!"

-Halfway through the day-
Ok everyone from Glee is being nice to me. I know I almost died but this is taking it to the extreme. I thought it was that and still do but Mercedes gave me a seemingly honest answer of no it wasn't that. I head to the auditorium for lunch with Quinn but instead Puck is here with a picnic?

"I have been given the task of a great Jewish lunch!" He chuckles so I know I must look worried "My mom made it don't worry"

I smile at that and head up to him. I'm kinda upset though I haven't seen Quinn all day. I know she didn't have a practice today because we always remind each other about that stuff. It's a system she actually made not me.

"Don't worry Jew babe" I look at Puck who's giving me a genuine smile "Everything is alright, so let's chow down!"

I laugh and nod my head. At least I'm having a great lunchtime to go with my great yet terrifying day. I really want answers. I really want Quinn.

It's glee and she can't run now! I saw her earlier talking with some cheerio girls and other girls but not me! What did I do wrong? Is she avoiding me on purpose and everybody trying to help me not see? My heart aches at the thought of losing her. So I just walk in to one but Judy?

"They said you'd come here" she walks up to me smiling and grabs one of my hands "Let's go young lady"

She walks me toward the auditorium and Dave is standing outside holding a flyer and a two tickets. He hands them to me smiling. I look and see they both say 'For one night only see Quinn possibly make a fool of herself!'

"Oh I see you have a ticket" Dave opens the door "Please go in madams and take the middle seats at the table where there is some drinks waiting"

Judy says thank you and leads me to the table. I see a wine glass and grape slushy. I'm gonna have some weird colored bowel movements later. That and my teeth are gonna be stained purple before long.

"Quinn's Girlfriend and Mother" Girlfriend? I know that voice is Dave "Please enjoy the show!"

I watch as the curtain opens and reveals everyone. I smile and notice everyone but Quinn up there. I see all the pictures of us spread around and a video playing behind them. It's stuff I never knew she captured. Including stuff ranging from food fight-me sleepily looking at the camera smiling.

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