Chapter 20-the end

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-Rachel pov-
"Are you ready?" Am I? "Now introducing New Directions!"

-this takes place when Quinn gives birth so go rewatch to see the performances-
"My water broke" we all look at Quinn as we get back stage "Guys my water broke!"

We all quickly get her up and get some help. When we get to the ambulance on call there I let Judy go with her. I look around and realize someone has to stay. If not we will get disqualified.

"Rachel come on!" I look at Shue "What?"

"Someone has to stay so we don't lose!" Shue looks at the group then back at me "Who's staying?"

"I will" We look at Finn as he steps forward "It's the right thing to do and you need to go be with her!"

I smile and give him a hug before running to the doors. I get in Pucks truck and we go to the hospital. When we all get there we run in to find Quinn. Security even gets called to settle us down and help. When we finally get settled enough we get led to a waiting room.

"Can she go in?" I look at Puck confused "She's the girls fiancé and I know she wants her in there!"

A doctor looks at me then nods "Come on we'll get you scrubs then we have to go" I jump up and run with the doctor "We've been trying to get her to calm down since getting here so maybe this will help"

I nod and grab the scrubs he throws to me. I follow him into the room with Quinn and see her glaring at doctors. When I fully walk up to her she stops glaring partially. Soon she's yelling in pain and we have to move to the delivery room.

"GOD THIS HURTS SO FUCKING MUCH!" I grab her hand and regret it when she starts crushing mine "DON'T EVER LET ME GET PREGNANT AGAIN!!"

After more profanities and even more hand crushing a cry fills the room. Quinn smiles and lets go of my hand. She goes to reach out but the baby gets taken out of the room.

"What's going on?" Quinn try's getting up but I force her back down "Let me go to my baby!"

"They are cleaning her up and making sure she's ok" Quinn growls but lays down "don't growl at me Fabray"

"I will growl at who I want Berry" I'm met with a glare that is very much her HBIC glare "What?"

"Fix your face or you'll be in here with your mom only and when you get home" the glare is gone and guilt replaces it "Smart choice Fabray"

"Here's your bundle of joy!" A nurse brings back in the baby and hands her to Quinn "What's her name?"

"Beth" I look at Quinn confused "It's what Puck wanted and he is the reason we have her"

"Beth it is" I walk toward the door "I'll get everyone"

"No!" I stop and look back at Quinn "Can it just be us? For a little? They can go back and tell us who won"

I smile and nod "Of course" I look at Judy "Can you tell them?"

"Of course sweetie" Judy stands up and looks at Quinn "Keep your temper under control because I'll take Rachel's side on it"

Judy walks out and I walk back beside Quinn. So much has happened in such a short time. Getting engaged, Beth, fights, and meeting my mom. It's so much but it's been so worth it.

"Care to share?" Quinn pats a open space on the bed "It's yours"

I sit down and look at the two of them "Just...I love you Quinn" I lean down and kiss her and give Beth a small kiss "I love you too little one"

"We love you too"

This is perfect. No matter what happens this is what I want. This is my life now. They are my life now.

I know this ending will tick some people off but it's how I wanted to end it. There wasn't a lot I could do to end it any other way. Either she gave birth sooner or we go 20 more chapters till then. I'm ok with it and I hope you are too.

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