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PADMÉ HAD WALKED down the ramp with handmaidens trailing single file behind her. Captain Typho was at her heels, looking all around the landing pad.

Rayn, being being herself, stood there in shock. She really just dissed me like that? Apparently she did. The girl shookher head and walked carefully out of the ship's walkway. The ramp was steep, but it was no problem. Rayn's mind blurred over the speech she'd prepared a few nights ago.

Just as she picked her dress off the ground to walk off the ramp, a heat rushed through her thin body and was thrown across the cement, scraping her hands and cheek. The feeling burned, and the girl's mind buzzed. She stared straight up into Padmé's ash filled face and messy hair after a few moments, giving her no sign Rayn was alive.

Rayn's ears rang violently and my breath was sucked from my lungs. She finally reached up to her sister's face.

"Padmé..." Rayn struggled to string the letters together as her vision started to go blurry.

"Rayn, Rayn, Rayn," Padmé forced herself to the Queen's side and brushed the hair out of that innocent face of her's . Everything in Padmé's body hurt, but she knew that Rayn hurt more. Captain Typho was kneeling next to her in seconds.

"Milady, it's not safe here. We need to evacuate you." He ordered.

"But my sister..." Padmé brushed her hand across Rayn's cheek as she was pulled up off the ground. "Rayn! Rayn!" Typho was dragging her away.

"We have a team getting her to safety as well. Do not worry, Milady." Captain Typho turned Padmé's body away from the scene and rushed her to a transport.

Meanwhile, the Queen's mouth dripped of blood, pooling in her throat. She had no choice but to flip on her side and cough it up. Two pairs of arms were pulling her up as she was gagging. One soldier picked her up bridal style in order for her to evacuate to a separate transport. Medics flooded around her and Rayn shook her head slowly, "Noo, no." She sobbed out.

Medics continued to wash the blood away from her mouth and wrap her arms up. A flash light was waved before her eyes, into her pupils. There was a muffled noise that repeated a word three times. Eventually, the ringing and muffling subsided and the responder droid was calling, "Ma'am, ma'am." Rayn blinked and turned her head to him.

"Uh," she forced out of her throat.

"I need to ask you just a few simple questions." The medic was going to ask her in case of any symptoms of amnesia because of the events that occurred. Time passed probably minutes and she was now starting to fully comprehend what he was saying.

"Oh," she groaned.

"What is your name?" He inquired.

"Rayn... Avonmora Nesoi... Eärendil." Rayn said slowly.

"Okay, very well. Do you know what planet your on?"

"I'm on..." Where was Rayn? Space? No, definitely not in space. She couldn't put this much strain on her brain. She groaned and closed her eyes.

"Evacuate her quickly to the nearest med bay," The droid informed the human emergency technician with urgency, "She is losing consciousness rapidly."

It was only a few minutes later when the transport arrived into the med bay. Padmé had already received treatment, she had only succumbed to mild burns on her left forearm from when the naive girl ran to help Rayn and was waiting for doctors to finish rechecking her vitals.

"Rayn!" She cried. She was in and out of consciousness. All she heard were mumbled phrases that didn't necessarily make sense. "Is she okay!?" Padmé demanded answers and shouted from her chair. Doctors restrained her from rushing to Rayn's side.

The Queen groaned before fully entering a dream state, no one knew what would happen to her next, or if she would even survive this.

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