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JUST RUN, SHE thought, Just run and do not look back. The words don't stop playing in her head while she runs to the nearest space craft she can spot. It's not to far. Maybe two-hundred meters from the current coordinates.

Acate is crumbling all around her. The limestone and marble structures fall to the ground and there is no other path to escape from that is not covered with debris except the straight away she now sprints on. Another rumble in the ground throws her off her feet. "No," she gulps air, "must... get to... the ship." Nothing hurts her though, therefore it must be a dream.

The cognitive vision turns darker and the world appears upside down, understanding the feelings of stomach and head aches. She makes out a shadow looming above her.

"Escape." she says and looks up and squints against the bright sun.

"No, awake." replies the figure in a calm and steady, male voice. The girl is able to make out a person, an odd sensation of familiarity overcomes her.

"Awake, Rayn." The boy smiles kindly and reaches his hand out to help her up. She raises her hand to grab his, and just before touching a blinding light flashes the entire world up, and the girl can make out nothing.

"I'M AWAKE!" RAYN screams, sitting straight up in her hospital bed, tubes and cords are attached to her. Doctors and nurses are scrambling to monitor her vitals and heart rate, which is unhealthily fast.

Everyone stops, looking at Rayn for several moments. She glances around the room to find Padme, clutching Rayn's hand ironically, speechless.

"Padme?" Rayn's voice is hoarse.

There are no more words said from Rayn. A mask is over her nose and mouth and the lead doctor directs orders, "Get her started on a Bacta Tank session, stat!" The world becomes fuzzy and the young girl falls to sleep again, soon being hoisted into the tank.

"What was that?" Padme demands, frenzied with worry.

"Senator, I have no idea." The same doctor replies.

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