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A FLURRY OF emotions ran through Rayn's head and body. Anger was a sure sign, but she managed to keep her cool after a nudge from Padmé.

"Why," Rayn started, "wouldn't I be informed of this?"

It was Captain Typho who spoke, "These actions need to be decisive and quick. We cannot have anyone on separate pages in this situation."

"Separate pages?" Rayn questioned, "I didn't even have the right book-"

And that was when her sister had signaled to her they Rayn's temper was rising too fast. The girl shook her head, "This could have been much much smoother."

A silence ran about through the room, but Padmé was the one who broke it, "With that, I wish to retire. Excuse me." The woman stood and was followed into her room by numerous handmaidens. A poof of fabric trailed behind her with very detailed patterns inscribed into the material of her top.

Rayn watched her older sister safely enter her quarters, and then her vision trailed back to the man and boy.

"I apologize for my reaction; everything is happening much too fast. I didn't expect for the mission to be secretive." Rayn look down in shame at her hands briefly but quickly pulled her vision back up to who she was talking to. Obi-Wan nodded but said nothing else. It was unusual for him to make slips such as this one.

The girl stood and Obi-Wan and Anakin followed. "Perhaps we should catch up. It's been a while."

"Actually, I'm going to organize tonight's threat plan with Captain Typho." Obi-Wan grinned, "This would be a good time to get familiar with your partner for this assignment." The Master looked to Anakin and back to Rayn.

Anakin's facial expression dropped with Rayn's. She surely did not want to make this more awkward by stating the fact she has no recollection of him.

Anakin didn't pass the opportunity up, though. "Of course." He said.

Rayn nodded and watched Obi-Wan leave to talk to Typho.

"Care to walk?" She asked.

Anakin smiles and replied, "Sure." The two walked in silence out the door.

Rayn noticed that he held his hands formally behind his back when walking with her, only to find that she was doing the same. She quickly unraveled her arms and began to speak,

"I know it was you who sent those visions to me."

More silence occurred between them.

"And why's that?" His tall figure glanced down on her not too short of height body. For she was tall but carried a slight sulk in her shoulders, no matter how hard the etiquette teachers tried to train her.

Rayn stopped walking, a silent pause struck. What could she say? Should she admit it?

"I don't-" She stuttered, "I don't remember you, okay?"

"I don't remember you like you remember me and the visions you send me aren't going to make me believe we knew each other." She continued, "You could be making them up."

Anakin pushed further, he didn't cower and back down to her atypically closed mind,

"And manipulate the Force into your mind for what? To waste my time?" He said. "No."

"Listen," Anakin lowered his voice, "Bad things have happened here. You need to remember them with me. Trust me."

"You used to." He finished.

"We don't have a lot of time to talk, Obi-Wan will be expecting us." Anakin took hold of Rayn's arm, "Come with me."

As Anakin began to walk with her wrist in his hand, he was held back. Rayn looked at him with her feet planted into the ground, unmoving.

She swiped her arm away from the boy, and began to speed walk to where he stood.

"Don't grab me." She said and continued to walk forward with a straight face, Anakin soon caught up to her. "I still don't know you." She added in a playful tone.

"Fair enough." He smiled and lead her to the stairs.

"Why the stairs?" Rayn asked.

"It's your warm up." He grinned his competitive smirk, "I'll race you."

Rayn laughed, "You want to race me?" Her two rows of white teeth were fully visible as she continued to find the challenge comical.

"Yes." Anakin have a nod, his tone serious.

"You're on." Rayn situated herself into a ready stance to dart down the stairs.

"On three." Anakin announced, "One, two-" he didn't make it to three as he used Force speed down the stairs.

"Hey!" Rayn didn't waste any longer fitting over his cheat. She in return used force speed down the sharp turns of the shaft.

She could see a blue mist turn around a corner, her electrifying magenta trailing behind her. Rayn finally was neck and neck to Anakin,

"You cheat!" She hollered.

Anakin laughed and sped harder down the steps, "Dont trip!" Anakin yelled over his shoulder as he flew down the steps.

Rayn was determined to make him lose. She reached out in the Force and harnessed his center. His Force presence was strong so it was hard to grab a hold of, but she slowed his ability to use Force Speed and eventually Anakin couldn't move. Anakin was stuck. His body was in the motion of taking a stride.

Rayn kept pushing forward, eventually skidding to a stop when she found Anakin almost at the bottom.

She encircled around him merrily. There was nothing he could do to reach the bottom.

"Looks like you're not the only one who can cheat." Rayn said smugly. Anakin huffed in response.

"I'll see you downstairs." She taunted.

Rayn activated her Force Speed and continued to put a hold on Anakin's movement until she was a good distance away. His Presence released from her grip and a great weight was lifted from her. She could run faster now that her midichlorians weren't focusing elsewhere. She eventually met the bottom of the stairs. Anakin soon came into view by the last turn of the shaft.

"I won." Rayn crossed her arms proud.

"Sure." Anakin frowned as he looked from side to side to see if anyone was in the aisle. He had to make sure they weren't seen alone together, otherwise they might get questioned by other Masters. It wasn't widely known that they were in on this assignment together.

"Come on." He prodded to the girl.

"So, where are you taking me exactly?" Rayn asked, trailing behind Anakin's longer strides.

"I'm taking you to the Jedi Temple."

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