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Six years and two months ago - standard calendar


Rayn blinked her eyes open from sleep, the orange light illuminating her room. Master Tachi could be heard shuffling around outside in the kitchen, no doubt scouring the cabinets to look for food.

The thirteen year old Padawan sighed and swung her legs over the side of her bed. The bed frame creaked with each movement, just another reminder that Rayn needed a new one. It was unlikely the Council would put in an order for her, all Padawans had low quality belongings. It was, as Master Yoda deemed, "A testament to their will, it is."

Yeah right, Rayn thought, More like a testament to their finances.

Rayn stood and stretched in her room, turning around to admire the morning sun. She reflected on what if scenarios on numerous occurrences, and right now was one of those times.

Her arms went limp at her sides as she evaluated the sky. What stars burned out there? Her eyes trailed over pinkish color that faded out into the distance. What systems are hidden behind those pink-toned clouds?

Acate was one of those systems. 

What if she hadn't become a Jedi? If that was the case, she'd be with her mother at this time in the Church of Avon, worshipping Goddess Avonix.

I am Avonix, Rayn thought, She is in my blood, my spirit.

Rayn crazily got down on her knees and into her rusty religious formation all Acatians complete. 

She started to whisper, "Goddess Avonix, the fiery one, I open my soul to you and your fellow deities."  A warm glow of orange started to appear in the center of her chest, "I am Avonmora that is derived from my mother Avonna before me. May your grace-"

"RAYN!" A woman hollered.

The girl practically choked upon surprise. "Coming, Master! Coming!" She hollered back and scrambled off her knees out into the kitchen.

Rayn's heart was pounding with adrenaline. The orange glow was no longer in her chest.

"We don't have food to make for breakfast." Siri leaned over the counter, easing the overall mood.

Rayn nodded and her Master continued, "I'm giving you fifty credits." Siri walked over to the jar where they keep emergency currency and started to count the money, "And I'm going to give you a list of groceries you need to buy. Please go down to the nearest market and shop for them."

"Yes, Master Tachi." Siri walked over and handed Rayn the credits.

"Put your tunic on first," Siri chuckled, "And fix your hair. You have bed head, my tiger." Two pearly rows of teeth appeared from Rayn's master's mouth.

Rayn smiled back, "Of course, Master."

The girl turned to run back to her room, but an unexpected comment was voiced from her Master.

"Siri is fine." She said.

Rayn turned back towards Master Tachi, "What?"

"You can call me Siri, Rayn." Siri's eyes were warm, but she quickly hid her affection towards the young girl by grabbing a pen and paper. Rayn couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Master simply takes too long." Siri bluffed.

"Oh," Rayn spoke softly, "Okay." And she returned to her room.

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