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RAYN'S EYES FLUTTER open to a blindingly white recovery room. She squints and hears the loud noise of her breathing through a mask. The girl groans and a droid appears at her side, furiously observing and making note of her vitals. She moves her arm to grab hold of the mask and take it off.

"So am I dead yet?" she laughs despite her horrible condition.

The doctor from the bacta tank session speaks as she walks to her side, "No, but we thought you would be by now." The lady stands by the side of her bed, "I can take it from here, thank you 2-1BC5." The droid whirs off somewhere and the doctor continues to talk.

"You suffered a few burns when the ship exploded, and you slipped out of consciousness."

"I almost didn't remember the explosion." Rayn chuckled.

"This is serious, Queen. You were almost assassinated." She added more, "You were unconscious for several hours, until your heart rate broke into an inhuman pace. You then woke up screaming that you were awake, and we then started a bacta."

The dream replayed over in Rayn's head. The boy's face was blurry and she could not come up with a clear picture again, but it was the feeling that stuck with her. Rayn had sensed his Force Signature during the vision, and it was extremely and dangerously strong. So perhaps he reached out to her though the Force. Told her to wake up.

"If you didn't awake in the next few hours, we would have classified you in a coma." The doctor said.

The girl nodded, "Thank you." She didn't know if it was safe to tell anyone about the vision besides Master Yoda or Master Windu. Rayn settled back into a more comfortable position, "Just tell me when I have to," she paused to yawn, "go home." She drifted off into sleep, but this time everyone could relax a bit more without the fear of her wandering into a coma.

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