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"WELL," CAME OUT Obi-Wan's voice, "Look who finally managed to show up."

☆ ☆ ☆

Rayn and Anakin turned their heads in surprise towards the voice. There, a man and woman stood expectantly by the lounge area. Obi-Wan with his arms folded and a data pad in his hand, and Master Siri Tachi in her iconic red suit.

Siri cleared her throat, "Master Kenobi tells me he let you two out alone together, correct?" She glared at the man, "To familiarize with their mission partner?"

Obi-Wan reddened slightly, unresponsive. Clearly, he had already gotten scolded by Master Tachi for allowing this.

It was still unknown to every Jedi besides Anakin that Rayn had figured out her memory loss, and that it was beginning to return.

"Master Tachi! Good evening to you too." Rayn walked in calmly as if she wasn't just in an argument moments before.

"Yes, it's only sensible that Rayn and I are on some basis of communication. Communication is key during missions like these." Anakin came in after her. He lied so effortlessly it was clear he'd done it several times before.

"Very well then." Siri eyed the pair suspiciously but Rayn coolly flopped onto the couch. There was nothing to suspect between them; not yet, anyways.

The place still smelt the same jasmine from when they left, the thick scent of luxury was strung in the air.

"Master Tachi and I checked the other levels of the building while you two were out," Obi-Wan walked towards the two, "Captain Typho has his men heavily patrolling the areas, we should be fine down there."

"But we found a problem with the cameras." Siri started, "They're completely turned off, what was she thinking?" The woman flashed her hands in the direction of the data pad, wishing it would turn on footage.

"She probably wanted privacy." Rayn fiddled with a piece of the Nubian centerpiece from the coffee table, not making eye contact with anyone.

"I suppose she didn't like me watching her," Anakin smirked and paused. At this, Rayn looked up. This statement made Rayn stir inside, striking emotions for forgotten reasons. Surely it was because Anakin was teasing about her sister.

Anakin noticed her sharp look to him, "Relax. I can sense everything that's going on in that room."

It was this time Obi-Wan spoke, "Your senses are not that attuned, my young Padawan."

"And yours are?" Anakin pestered Obi-Wan, clearly avoiding his Master's statement to put him in his place.

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Possibly..."

The girls chuckled at Obi-Wan and Anakin's play.

"With the four of us here it's a guarantee at least one of us will sense a threat," Siri said, and Rayn eased at Siri's reassuring remark about her sister's safety.

The burning sun poked out just above the Coruscanti skyline, calling out and pleading for the moon to not send her away. The sun climbed the sides of the building and clung to any object it could find. An orange glow threw itself upon Anakin's face, enhancing his features so that his blue eyes shimmered like glass beneath the shadows passing by with the descending sun.

Rayn marveled at his face absentmindedly, only pulling away once Anakin caught her staring. Embarrassment rushed over her and burned her neck, she quickly walked further away from Anakin and plopped down on the sofa.

The group of four waited for any signals of distress from Padme's room, meditating to waste time. Soon the neon city lights shined brightly from below the Senator's apartment and the sky was an endless black. 

"This is taking a long time," Anakin said, breaking the long-lasting silence.

Rayn's eyes fluttered open from her deep meditation, "This kind of thing is supposed to," she answered, annoyed that Anakin was set on someone attacking Padme.

"But it's boring," and after no one answered him he repeated himself by saying,

"I'm bored."

"We're all bored, okay!" Rayn stood.

"None of us are complaining about it though, my padawan," said Obi-wan.

"Well maybe complaining would be less boring than just sitting here and-"

A groan emitted from Rayn's throat as she clutched her stomach and slid off of the couch.

"Padme.." she pointed towards the senator's bedroom door and the three dashed forward without hesitation.

Two lightsaber clashes were heard and Rayn could hear Anakin yell to Padme, "Stay here!"

The window in Padme's room shattered and Rayn clutched her stomach, the confusion adding to her pain. Dormé and Captain Typhon rushed to Padme's aid.

Anakin emerged back out of Padme's quarters and knelt down to Rayn's side. "Are you alright?" He asked.

She winced as she used the back of her elbows to lift herself off the ground, "I think I sensed the potential danger that Padme was in. Our bond..." Rayn trailed off, doing her best to conceal the fact that her connection to her sister was causing problems.

"I know." He replied, looking down.

She groaned, for some of the pain still lingered in her bones, "What was it?"

"Disgusting, poisonous bugs," Anakin answered, appalled. Rayn slowly stood to her feet, regaining her composure.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Anakin started, "Obi-Wan jumped through a window so we should probably catch up to him."

"What?" Rayn asked, "And he's supposed to be the rational one?"

"That's what he wants everyone to think," Anakin scoffed.

☆ ☆ ☆


Here it is guys, finally. It took me a year but it's here. I would like to make a quick announcement that I have a new Anakin x female!oc. in the works (I know, I haven't even finished this one yet) but I've been planning it for a couple months now behind the scenes, and I started working on it even before I decided to release another update on Avonix. So, updates won't be a regular daily like I used to do. It will be called "VIRIDITY" so keep a look out for it when I release it!

As of right now I don't know if I'm going to publish it on this account or on my newer one. My new account is super fresh and has a grand total of four (4) followers. (I know, I'm such a Wattpad influencer.) And honestly, idk if it's just my Aquarius nature, but I REALLY like fresh starts,  and I had once published a second anakin fic on this account and it never took off, so I'm unsure of what to do on this particular issue.

So since you are all my lovely readers, I am asking for your advice on this. If you want just drop a comment if I should publish the new story on this account or a different one. I don't want to be that one writer that asks their readers for suggestions on what they writer should write, that's not what I'm doing, so if you don't wanna comment that's cool lol.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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