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SENATOR AMIDALA SCOWLED the entire way to the Chancellor's personal office. She walked quite briskly and with rage. Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan caught up with a group of ten guards swarming around her.

"Padmé, I've been worried. How bad are your injuries?" He cuts straight to her health, a thoughtful man with a close relationship to the Senator.

"My injuries are nothing. I have a bandage but I should be healed by the end of the week." She took a sharp turn and stride up the narrow corridor.

"And the Queen?" He asked hesitantly, bracing for the eruption of the so delicate looking woman.

"No word." She said silently. A reaction that was cold, so sharp you could feel the pain.

"Well, once you do receive a status report, notify me." Bail was quick to cut short on the talk of Rayn. For it was much too painful.

"I might as well start suggesting more security," Padmé said.

Bail laughed, but the Nubian Senator didn't even crack a smile, "Oh, you're being serious." He looked away, embarrassed.

"Yes," She said, "Yes I am."

The rest of the walk to the Chancellor's office was in silence, but when the Senators and guards entered the room, so much emotion was rippling through the Force. Padme's Force Signature was off the walls, so she was expectedly the one to fire off the intense questions first.

"Do you have any idea who it was behind this attack?" The Senator expects an immediate response but receives none.

"My sister is half dead in the Medical Center, I would appreciate answers as soon as possible and before anything else." Her voice cracked with sadness.

"Our intelligence directs us to believe that it was Vice Roy Gunray." Mace Windu says, walking over to the Senator.

"I believe that Count Dooku was behind this atttack." The Senator suggests confidently.

"Count Dooku is a political idealist, not a murderer." One of the Masters says surprised.

"Senator Amidala, you do know that Count Dooku used to be a Jedi? He would never commit to such acts." Mace Windu shook his head.

"But people do change, right?" Padmé raised her brows. Her persuasive gestures were no doubt perfected by her long time spent serving as the Senator of Naboo.

"I for one, think that the Senator could be onto something. The more she speaks, the more I see her point." Senator Organa states, referencing to previous conversations today.

Mace Windu stares back at Senator Amidala, "And?"

"Why else would Dooku leave the Order? We all know he was a power hungry menace." The listening counsel and chancellor nod in agreement. "He must be targeting either Rayn or me for something we have."

Faces brighten in the room with a dawning realization.

"I do believe you're not giving them money, dear Padmé." The Chancellor says baffled.

"No! Force, no." She paused for her overdramatic affect.

"Then what?" The Chancellor asks.

"I can offer him political influence, and Rayn..." she trails off with a sad, dream like gaze.

"Rayn is going to offer him what he knows is coming to him," she said, "She offers up a fight."

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