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Anakin and Obi-Wan

"NOW SEE WHAT eating breakfast when you're already late gets you?" Obi-Wan asked in his dandy accent.

"Even more late." Anakin mumbled.

Obi-Wan scowled ahead as he waited for the ding to signal they'd arrived.

"My apologies, Master." Anakin scrunched his forehead, eyes wide and open with uneasiness. Obi-Wan nodded in response, knowing it was just another silly thing added to another silly list of Anakin's silly mistakes.

"How did those eggs taste, anyway?" Obi-Wan asked, testing Anakin. "I tried a new recipe for omelets."

To be completely honest, Anakin wanted to throw up the eggs in this moment. One, he was nervous and two, they tasted awful.

"Amazing." He lies with a cheerful tone.

"Good," Obi-Wan chuckled. He had not even tried when making those eggs. He was also fully aware that Anakin had a certain distaste for them. "You'll be glad to know I have a full carton I can make the rest of this week."

Though Anakin was almost a Knight, the Padawan and Master ate breakfast together each morning still.

"Oh..." Anakin sounded sour but noticed and changed his tone, "Perfect!"

Another lie.

"Relax," Obi-Wan soothed, "You're Signature is off the charts. He speculated Anakin, fingers combing through his trimmed beard.

"Are you nervous?" Obi-Wan emphasized nervous with such drawn out syllables, Anakin couldn't help but turn to him defensive.

"I haven't seen her in years!" Anakin threw his hands up in defense. Suddenly, his shoulders slumped remembering the way their last goodbyes had gone down. Painful, painful remembrance. "Them, in years." He corrected himself.

"I see..." Obi-Wan glanced at his boy. He too, remembers their goodbye. Of course, it wasn't planned for their last moments with each other to be like that. Or for the events after to take place the way they did. But still, no one planned for Anakin and Rayn to be anywhere near each other ever again.


The elevator doors shot open.

"Obi?" Jar Jar catapulted into the man's arms.

"Ani!" The Gungan exclaimed, proceeding to move and squeeze Anakin even harder than Obi-Wan in an embrace.

"Hello, Jar Jar." Anakin chuckled and squirmed our of his arms.

The old but so familiar feeling of the completeness of the Force flowed through Anakin like no other sensation. The satisfactory of complete awareness and balance brought a smile to his face.

His nose took in the scent of her rich perfume. Anakin almost forgot what she'd smelled like. How could he forget anything about Rayn?

She's simply unforgettable.


Rayn and Padmé


Forgotten, as predicted.

The women walked over to meet the Jedi in the middle of the room. Rayn, avoiding Anakin, specifically went to Obi-Wan first. They gave each other a hand shake and nothing more other than a few words.

"Master Kenobi!" Rayn exhaled, "It's good to see you again, healthy."

Obi-Wan smiled, that statement was most definitely something Master Yoda would say. Always concerned with the other and their health. She took after Yoda in several ways. Just like his other apprentices. Dooku and... Master Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan shook off the sad thought, grateful Siri had been the one to take on Rayn. Had it been any other circumstance, whether Master Yoda was her teacher or someone else, Rayn could've fallen to a dark path.

"You as well, Knight Eärendil." He replied, "Congratulations on your promotion to Jedi Knight. I'm sorry I could not attend the ceremony." Rayn nodded in understanding.

"Anakin!" Padmé was joyous over reuniting with him, "My, you've grown." She said with awe.

"So have you," He blushed, "The both of you." His eyes wandered over to Rayn's awkward figure. Her eyes widened, unsure of what to do.

"Oh-uh," she started, "Hello?" Rayn made more of a question than a statement. Anakin ignored the awkward and confused state her Signature was in. He wrapped his arms around her body, hugging Rayn tight.

"I've missed you so much." His whisper-voice broke and the sadness was audible.

Although her mind was scattered, and many different thoughts ran through her brain all at once, she felt compelled to reply, "I missed you too." She whispered.

Her mind was telling her one thing, but her emotions took control. As if the Force was leading her, or perhaps out of habit, she gripped the back of his tunic, squeezing her eyes in emotional pain.

Regaining control of her actions, she pulled away. Anakin clenching onto her, not wanting to let her go. Afraid to to lose her again.

Just as their bodies pulled off one another, a bright flash of light appeared just as it had when Rayn received a vision.

"No, Awake." She heard in her head. She could make out a boy's face in the vision this time. It was...


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