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MEANWHILE, AT THE Jedi Temple, an expected arrival of two Jedi was due; Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

A Coruscanti transport lowered to the ground, make a whir as air spilled from the door of the ship as the pressure changed on the inside. Two figures stood in the doorway. They each had their hands on their hips, clearly proud of the fact they had just completed a successful mission. They walked down the ramp, blabbering and boasting as they went.

"Did you see how I handled that situation!?" the young one asked excitedly.

"Yes, you acted maturely for once. You finally took the aggressive out of aggressive negotiations." said the older one, his accent contributed to convey his tone. The younger one said nothing in return, for he knew his mentor was right. They were delivered to the Council to attend a meeting.

The duo bowed in the center of the room.

Mace Windu spoke first, "It would appear your mission was a success?"

"Yes, Master Windu." They spoke in unison.

"Congratulations," he stated lightly, "But this is not why we have summoned you here today." Obi-Wan was looked quizzical while Anakin looked guilt-stricken, oddly enough.

"Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo, and Jedi Knight, Queen Earendil, have been attacked. Early this morning while they were disembarking their ship on a landing pad." said Mace.

Obi-Wan was speechless, but Anakin was quick to ask questions, "Are they alright?"

"Yes, Rayn has been reported to have returned to consciousness. Padmé's injuries are mild." Mace said.

Anakin nodded. Master Windu continued, "We are assigning you two to protect the Senator and Knight, Queen Eärendil. She is going to think we let her protect the Senator as well, and we don't need her expecting that she is actually the one being watched, understood?"

"Yes, Master." Anakin said, Obi-Wan bowed.

"In case anything happens to where you must split up, Anakin will be in charge of the Senator, and Obi-Wan will be in charge for looking after Rayn." The Master said.

"Understood." Obi-Wan modded curtly. Rayn was particularly one of his favorite politicians, if he must choose one, partly for her Jedi title. Anakin didn't say anything, his disappointment obvious.

"Are we understood, Skywalker?" Mace asked like it wasn't a question.

"Yes, Master." He looked up at Mace Windu, a cold glare stared back at him.

"Thank you." He continued, "We apologize for the time gap between your missions, but you will be transported as soon as Rayn is well enough to be dispatched from the med-center. This shouldn't be long."

"Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet Naboo, you will." Master Yoda directs.

"With all do respect, Master, it would be very hard to have Senator Amidala give up her vote this coming week." Anakin said.

"It would be risking her life if she is not evacuated. The assassin could still be on the system." Said Mace Windu.

"Understood, Masters." Was Anakin's final response.

"Obi-Wan, escort Rayn back to Acate. It's a very secluded planet from the rest, and few people know of Rayn's past." Mace Windu was kind with his words, but the entire he gave each Jedi a look of death. Like a father entrusting responsibility over his daughter.

"Master Windu, with all do respect, wouldn't it be code-breaking to allow her to see her mother and develop their relationship?" Obi-Wan questioned.

Yoda expressed his thoughts, "A good point, Obi-Wan does bring up." And continued, "Jedi she is, not just Queen. Make the mistake of letting her family ties get the best of her, I will not allow. My apologies, Master Windu."

Mace nodded respectfully, but with worry painted amongst his face. Master Yoda understood, "Less risky, this option is." He was knowing, and hiding in a fear masked as precautions.

"Then it is decided. Anakin you will escort both Senator and Queen to Naboo." Then Mace sighed at the disaster that lay ahead, "The Council is counting on you to keep them safe."

"I understand, Master." Anakin said confidently.

"Obi-Wan, track down this killer, you must." Master Yoda added, "First priority, protection is. Keep the girls safe, you two must."

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan bowed.

"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to talk to the girls about this matter." Said Master Windu. No more words were said, and the Jedi bowed and left.

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