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PADME GAVE A SMIRK back at the Chancellor and the Council along with the Senators and their Representatives. A spark flew up into her eye, determination like the flint against stone, and it was coursing through her veins.

"What do you mean by that, Senator Amidala?" The Alderaanian Senator prompted her to continue her argument.

"What I mean," she continued, "Is that the Separatists want declaration from us. To be free and for them to act under Separatist laws and beliefs. A Separatist's motive, in my opinion, is not for peace yet it is for chaos. Sharing rather dark side personalities. And who would ever lean towards the dark side? Count Dooku. He even has force abilities to prove his darkness." Padme finished her case, pleased with how she had chosen her words.

"It is rather far fetched," said the same Master Jedi Kit Fisto, "but quite possible." The Senator smiled in delight that someone saw to her idea.

"If this is the case, Senator Amidala, the Jedi Council will take your word for it. Protection is needed for the Senator." Mace Windu announced. Padmé bristled with anger.

"Oh, I do not think that-" she started but was cut off.

"That the situation is that serious?" The Chancellor finished her sentence. Master Yoda's Signature was disturbed as he  sensed the darkness and grimaced in the presence of it. Palpatine continued, "But I do, my dear. Perhaps we can have the protection under one of your graces, Master Jedi. An old friend, maybe? Like... Master Kenobi!" The Chancellor offered.

"That is possible, they have just returned from a border dispute in Antionn." Master Windu announces.

"Perhaps the Queen could give me the security once she receives proper treatment. She is a Jedi, of course." Padme suggests, "It would give me more comfort." She looks to Bail who nods in a prodding way.

The Chancellor is displeased. He crinkles his nose and looks to the window, "Even though dear Rayn is a Jedi, she is only one. The Senator is too important to not have as much protection as possible."

Padmé's look is disappointed. "Please, do it for me Milady." The Chancellor turns around, "The thought of losing you.... is unbearable."

"I'll have Obi-Wan report to you as soon as possible." Master Windu looks to Padmé with a caring face.

"Thank you, Master Jedi." Padmé smiles gratefully. They exit through the doors with soldiers swarming them and talk the ride back to her Coruscant apartment.

"This is just amazing." She says sarcastically.

Nothing is said in response then, only the silence and footsteps. After a few moments though, Bail pipes up, "Maybe you should take their help."

"No." The Senator says flatly. Amidala was always so stubborn. She almost always got her way.

"Padmé, I cant even think of what I'd do without you. I want you to let the Jedi do their job." He says this in a serious tone.

Padmé is at a lost for words until they board the transport, "Protection is not their job. Keeping peace is." The girl looks onward and below to the depths of Coruscant. Coruscant was where Rayn and Padme stayed the most. It almost was their favorite place if not for Naboo. She had stayed in Acate for years until the Jedi brought her aboard at the age of six. Rayn was to be the Regina of Acate. It would never happen now, she would always be her country's Principessa until her Mother would die old, hopefully. She was supposed be Regina at eighteen like all the others before her, but adding one more duty to Rayn's plate would be overload. Besides, it would be illegal to be queen in more than two territories. It also surprises most people there is no law against being both a queen and Jedi at the same time.

"Yes, but I am sure they want to keep your peace right now. And the only way to do that is protect you." Bail decided.

"They could find the assassin." Padmé said defiantly.

"We don't even know what they look like!" Organa whisper-yelled back to her.

The Senator kept quiet for a few moments, pondering what to fire back next. When she had nothing she said, "Well at least I get to see those two cuties again. You know, Obi and Ani."

"Ah, yes." Bail chuckled.

Before Padme stopped to open her Senatorial office, she said, "Actually, I am going to go to the med-center to see Rayn and stop thinking about this protection ordeal," she smiled, "See you, Bail." Her friend bowed slightly in response.

Padme strided down the hall, and took the elevator to the boarding level. It was a modern design, and the elevator was complete with glass windows to overlook the city. Guards were crammed in next to her, but the bother started to subside in Padme. Acceptance of the situation settling in.

Though the trip to the med-bay and center was to relieve Padme from thinking about her protection and body guards, it was the only thing that her mind seemed to gloss over. Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywallker... perhaps the greatest duo of all time. You could read them in the Coruscanti Holonet, if someone said 'Skywalker', they would instantly groan and say, "Him? That's all I ever hear nowadays." Padme chuckled at the thought of him growing from that tiny ten year old into a brave and fearless Jedi Knight. Or, Padawan. No one would suspect he still is one, but he has the braid to show it. They must be entering the Coruscant system by now, if there last mission was not that far away.

Her heart fluttered at the memory of the picture she had seen only a few months ago on the Holonet. Maybe this reconnection would be a good thing. And even though Jedi's can't love, she thought of him leaning into kiss her.

Yes, Padme thought, good indeed.

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