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THE TRANSPORT SHIP dropped Anakin and Rayn off shortly. The quiet atmosphere immediately affecting their Signature, balancing it out. The race had left them in a state of hectic intensity. All around, Jedi of all ranks bustled to different locations. The amount of Jedi here today was higher than normal, most likely because with the vote nearing there would be a higher chance of bounty hunters targeting other Senators.

"Where to now?" Rayn adding in, "Anakin." She sounded his name out as if it were a new word to her.

"You'll see." Anakin replied.

A few floors later on the elevator, the two were dropped off on the skill development level. After a familiar turn to the right, and Rayn had realized where they were headed.

The girl loudly huffed, expressing her frustration. "Why here?"

"I want to show you something." Anakin replied as the doors to the sparring room flashed open. Anakin walked over to the rack filled of sparring staffs, each one similar, but there were several exceptions to the standard design.

He picked out his preferred staff of choice, weighing it in his hand to adapt to the feel. After close inspection, he picked a staff for Rayn and evaluated it like he did his.

"That's not going to work," Rayn said, "I-"

"Yeah, yeah, you use two lightsabers." Anakin continued on,

"That's some weird new thing you have going on. You used to use only one."

He then tossed her the practice saber. Rayn caught it in return. She twirled the single saber in her hand. Anakin was right: the spin came naturally. As if she hadn't ever learned the two bladed lightsaber style, she whirled the blade into her Form V stance across Anakin at her end of the duel ring.

Anakin took the identical stance after her. This is a duel, she thought. Their eyes locked, each body flowed smoothly and in line with the Force. Rayn took three deep breaths in preparation.

Just as they charged at each other, the bright flash of light signaled to Rayn another memory was coming on.

Six years and two months ago - standard calendar...

"Master Tachi!" A man walked into the common sparring room to a tall, lean woman stood strongly next to a younger Rayn.

Rayn circled around the greeting of the two. Rayn looked up at her Master, awaiting with what she would respond with.

"Master Kenobi!" She continued, "It's a pleasure to finally see you again." The two gazed into each other's eyes with mixed emotions. Helplessness, longing, love, hopefulness.

Master Kenobi stepped forward and gave a slight bow to Master Tachi, "Likewise, Siri." He had lowered his voice so only Master Tachi could hear - as well as Rayn below.

"Padawan Eärendil!" Obi-Wan looked down to the girl below. "It's been much too long. You have grown so much from the last time I saw you." Rayn grinned at the man before her.

The girl spotted a figure walk through the doors behind Obi-Wan. She shuffled to the side to catch a glimpse of who had entered. There, a boy stood examining the wall of staffs for sparring.

"Oh, yes." Master Kenobi addressed Rayn, "I'm not sure either of you have been introduced to my Padawan yet. We've been on separate systems for so long now."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan called to the boy, "Come meet Padawan Rayn Eärendil. She's Master Tachi's."

Anakin's face turned to the group. His eyes narrowed in on Rayn, realizing who she was. He glared but complied to walk over and greet the girl.

"Rayn." Anakin said.

"Anakin." Rayn said in return.

They crossed their arms towards each other.

"Oh..." Obi-Wan began, "It seems you two have met before?"

"Not properly." Rayn reported. Her mind reflected on their first introduction of sorts. Chasing. So much chasing. And fighting, too. She recalled running through the Coruscanti street markets early that morning to catch him.

"Anyway," Master Tachi began, Rayn shook her head out of the memory, "How about a formal greeting this time?"

Siri prodded Rayn to shake hands with Anakin, which she did so unwillingly.

"This is a great time to spar." Obi-Wan announced, "Anakin, Rayn, I assume you know what to do."

"Of course, Master Kenobi." Rayn replied and walked to the sparring staff rack.

Her selection was quick due to the countless times of stepping into the sparring ring. Rayn slipped past Anakin, whispering something his his ear as she walked by,

"You should prepare for a beating." Rayn smirked into his eyes and brushed his body walking to the sparring ring.

Anakin chuckled and grabbed his staff. The boy walked to the ring. Siri was standing on Rayn's side, whispering sentences into her ear. Anakin found that Obi-Wan was about to do the same. His figure was soon next to him, mouth by his ear, "I need you to win this one for me." Anakin looked wildly into Obi-Wan's eyes,

"Why?" He mouthed nervously.

"You see, Siri and I...." Obi-Wan trailed off, gazing dreamily at Rayn's Master on the other side of the ring. "Well, Siri and I are very competitive."

Obi-Wan eventually looked down towards Anakin again, "Don't lose."

"Or what?" Anakin said defiantly.

"Then Rayn will hold it against you, and I sense you two have something against each other." Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows expectantly.

Anakin nodded in response, quickly taking his form.

Siri was done whispering into Rayn's ear, she beamed at him from across the ring in her battle stance. Determination.

Anakin glared at her on the other side of the ring, staff raised. Burning, determination.

The quietness of battle preparations amongst Padawans is unlike anything you've ever felt. It is fire; burning it's fear into the eyes of an opponent. It is ice; the deadly quiet of concentration.




Rayn swung her blade swiftly, using the force to maximize her power. Anakin quickly blocked it with ease. A loud clank followed.

Present Day

MORE CLANKS OF metal were heard inside the sparring room. Rayn focused in on the present, ignoring her bloody nose from receiving the memory. With each strike of the staff, both Anakin and Rayn grew more frustrated and determined to win.

Rayn moved her staff to deflect a low blow from Anakin, pushing his staff away from her body. It backfired, and Anakin slid his staff down Rayn's, creating an easy blow to her arm.

The staff lightly touched the girl's wrist - exactly where the bracelet was.

The two stared at it for a moment. Sweat dripping down their faces, arms locked in their fighting position.

Eventually, without removing his eyes from the bracelet, Anakin peeled off from the fight. The staff bounced as it dropped from his hands and onto the floor.

Rayn met his eyes and in her most serious tone she asked, "Why the bracelet?"

Anakin moved the fabrics up from covering his wrist. There, an identical bracelet with leather ties and a unique charm tied to the center wrapped around his body.

"Because," he started softly, "We would never be too far apart."

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