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Exactly three years, five months, and nine days earlier - standard calendar.

"Anakin Skywalker," an all too familiar voice came from behind Rayn and Anakin, causing the duo to slowly turn their heads. "Rayn Avonmora Nesoi Eärendil." Mace Windu's boots stopped before the throne Rayn had flung herself over. Anakin stood fiercely by the side of it.

"Mace Windu." Rayn said. "We were beginning to think you'd never show."

"My dearest Rayn, I thought you'd know better than to run from the Council." Mace continued, "And Anakin, you had so much potential. To think you abandoned us for a mere mate."

Sixteen year old Anakin gritted his teeth, "Don't you talk about her like that!" He sneered, grabbing for his lightsaber.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Mace Windu warned Anakin, but the blue blade was ignited anyway. Rayn drew her vibrant purple saber following his.

"You have both broke the code." Mace Windu spoke the obvious, "Your Masters are so disappointed with the two of you. They trained you better. We all trained you better."

"Master Tachi and Master Obi-Wan would never approve of your lies!" Rayn fired back.

"But your response would make them sick." He replied.

"The Council is filled with hypocrites. You fear Rayn and I together because of what we can achieve." Anakin gestured to the entire crowning room as he finished his sentence. The boy crept around Mace Windu, itching to fight in which Rayn crawled off her throne of Acate. and encircled Mace in the opposite direction.

"I must take you back to Coruscant to present you two to the Council." Mace lit his purple saber, "Even if we have to fight to do so."

"So be it." Rayn said and Anakin and her took their battle stances.

Rayn and Anakin charged to Mace Windu, an electrifying flash of purple and blue brightened the room.

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