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"NO," RAYN CHUCKLED, "How close even were we? Actually, don't answer that question." She continued to laugh, looking at the bracelet.

"Why not?" Anakin said seriously, Rayn continued to laugh.

"What?" He asked offended.

"No," the girl started, "It would be better if we were strictly professional." Rayn handed the Jedi her staff as she walk towards the door.

The door slid shut on her way out. Anakin stood there not wanting to believe her reaction. He charged out the room with full determination to undo the changes the Council had planted upon her.

"I think you're scared, you know." Anakin was riding on Rayn's heels, "Scared to go back to the self you were before the memories were stolen." Rayn's face was stone cold and she said nothing.

"You've always wanted more," Anakin pushed further, "You're like me." He said. They continued to speed to the elevator.

Don't listen to him, she thought, Don't trust him. Not anyone. Just look where trust has gotten you: no memory.

"Rayn trust me." Anakin grabbed her shoulder, forcing Rayn to look him in the eyes, "You have to trust me."

Don't look into his eyes, don't look into his eyes, don't- oh why'd you have to look into his eyes? Rayn melted under his gaze.

It was in that moment, that moment where for the first time in Rayn's memory that someone wanted her to feel. To experience emotions.

And she unraveled under those feelings.

Rayn exhaled and fell into Anakin's arms.

"Okay," She muffled words into his shoulder.

"We're gonna get your memory back." Anakin whispered into her hair.

Rayn nodded stiffly in response. The two stood there, understanding each other.

"We need to go." Anakin closed his eyes and spoke into her hair for the last time. He peeled off of Rayn and guided her into the elevator door.

The elevator sunk down to the first floor where transportation ships fly in and out. Both Jedi flipped up their hoods entering the taxi-like vessel. It rose into the air, zipping through traffic back to the Senator's apartment building.

A light beeping sound alerted both Anakin and Rayn's comms, signaling they were to report back to Obi-Wan. The sun was bleeding into the horizon over tall skyscrapers, and it was time for the night shift to begin.

"You think someone will make a move on Padmé tonight?" Rayn asked Anakin.

"Possibly." He replied, "The chances are high seeing the assassin could still be in the Coruscant System."

Rayn nodded and followed Anakin into the building. A very familiar presence tickled Rayn's signature as the duo moved closer to the apartment.

Master Tachi.

A smile crept to Rayn's lips as they stopped in front of Padme's apartment.

"My Master's here." Rayn looked to Anakin with bright young eyes.

Not knowing how to react, Anakin widened his eyes and cleared his throat, "Hopefully her travels weren't too tiring." The boy made an attempt to be in a professional environment.

Rayn rolled her eyes, "Stop that!" She chided.

"But you just said-"

"Be strictly professional? I'm assuming you've met Siri before."

"Well, yes but she can be a bit intimidating." He lowered his voice, "You know; a bit of a rule follower. Don't you think?"

Rayn was taken off-guard. Siri let a lot of things slide with Rayn, but come to think of it her Master was very strict in a public setting.

"Well, yes, I suppose." The girl managed to get out.

Anakin said, "Just, play it cool okay? I never showed you anything."

"Anakin, we can ask them about what they know! They would never tell the Council I'm sure of it." Rayn stated.

Anakin raised his eyebrows in response, "How do you think you lost your memory in the first place?"

The doors to Padme's apartment whooshed open and there stood Dormé, awaiting the two's arrival.

Anakin and Rayn were caught in the same argumentative position they left off in. Anakin's brows crinkled, him towering over the girl. Rayn, her hands being thrown passionately in her expressive style.

"Well," came out Obi-Wan's voice, "Look who finally managed to show up."

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