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RAYN'S COMM WAS beeping furiously at her. Morning sunlight beamed through the window, making her blink as it shined on her face.

"Shavit!" she yelled the curse and it rang throughout her apartment. The girl sat up straight with urgency, her hair was completely frizzed, hair strands floating atop her head.

Rayn stepped out of bed, glancing at the clock as she stepped out of bed, Half-past eight, she repeated to herself. She got up so fast, the covers were dragged along with Rayn, causing her to trip and face plant on the hard floor. She groaned in pain, and from the ground reached up with her arm to answer the comm call on her night stand, "Hello?" she attempted to sound as if she'd been up for hours, already started her long routine, but it came out groggy.

"Knight Earendil," It was Master Mace Windu's voice over the line, "I was calling to confirm your meeting with the Jedi on protection, but it seems I have become a wake up call?" He questioned intensely.

"Er- no, sir." Rayn lied, "I-uh, I was preparing breakfast, and my comm link was all the way in my room. My apologies, Master Windu." She studied her figure in the mirror, not at all ready for a meeting.

"I see..." was his reply and he paused, "Need I remind you that a Jedi reflects truth, honor, and the goodness of the Force?" A silence rang over the comm line.

"Oh, Master Windu! I have to go! I can smell my avgá burning!" Rayn lied again. It was the Acaeti equivalent to eggs, which Rayn absolutely hated.

She was about to hang up the comm but just before she did Mace said, "Rayn, you do not even like-" and the transmission was gone.

She sighed, and darted into the shower.


Rayn sped out the door, barely having time to clip her dual sabers to the waist band of her dress. They could clip to the sides or to the back. The back would be preferable when trying to conceive the fact you're a Jedi.

Her legs moved quickly to the elevator, you could see her strides through the side slit in her gown. Rayn's dress was simple, nothing elaborate besides the golden dragon threaded into the black cloth. It symbolized Aecora and the various beasts that thrives there. The dragon, otherwise known as the Smok, is only one of many strange creatures inhabiting the land of Aecora. Smok are low in numbers, and it is very rare to come across one.

The gold beast ran along the entire back of Rayn's black material. It's head curled around her left shoulder, her Aecoran birth tattoos visible due to the open back style of the dress, creating an opening down to her lower back. Every Aecoran has birth tattoos, where and what they look like depends on your heritage. No two birth tattoos are the same, not even on twins. Though a pair of twins' marks do share similar characteristics. The Queen's hair was pulled back into a bun for a lack of time to create braids.

The elevator reached Padmé's floor. Rayn took a few deep breaths, calming her rushed mood and anxious Force Signature. The girl rubbed with her thumb where the bracelet wrap Anakin supposedly gifted her was. They were to meet today, and Rayn was not ready emotionally nor mentally for that conversation.

Doors rushed open, and Rayn was met to an expecting Padmé and overly excited Representative Jar Jar Binks.

The Queen was embraced with a warm hug and twirl from the frog-like creature. Many of the politicians looked down on Jar Jar, but he definitely showed up when a crisis was in place. Jar Jar gave thoughtful input, and truly cared about the Republic. Rayn and Jar Jar were by no means distant at all. In fact, the two were rather close. As close as a Gungan and Human could be, anyways.

"You're late." Padmé flashed a glare at Rayn, tapping her foot.

"Ah," Rayn smiled, exhaling, "but the Jedi are later."

"That is no excuse, and you know it." Padmé sat down, flustered.

The entire apartment was rather simple, besides the view. It was absolutely astonishing. Every time Rayn visits, she can do nothing but stare in awe at the beauty out there. The sun gleamed through the glass wall, a morning brightness filled the room.

"My apologies, Padmé." Rayn could not bring herself to sit like Padmé, the nerves were just too high. She paced instead.

"Sit," Padmé instructed, "You do yourself no good dwelling on a silly bracelet." Padmé read her mind, again.

"You do yourself no good hiding your force sensitivity to the public." Rayn started, "You put a lie on your shoulders that is much to heavy for you."

"I would be shamed," Padmé shook her head, "Removed of my duties, most likely."

"And why do you think this?" Rayn found her mind being put in a better head space by talking to Padmé.

"You already receive so much fire for being a Jedi as well as Queen," Padmé continued on, "A Senator is easier to relieve of duty than a Queen." This was true, but Rayn doubted the Chancellor would follow through with that due to Padmé's consistent work and her ties.

"I understand your worries," Rayn sat and threw her arm around her sister, "I'm sorry it will always have to be like this. Working on what other people need, never our own therapy and aspirations..." Rayn came off mature in speech, taking Padmé by surprise.

"Nice words," she chuckled, "I suppose you are maturing." This received an immediate giggle out of the two. "I'm just playing, you've always been maturer than most."

Rayn nodded, "Besides, it's our fate that we are on this path. The Force chose us to live like this."

"But did it though? Or did we trap ourselves into this mess of war and politics?" Padmé looked up into Rayn's eyes, Padmé's posture slouching with stress.

Rayn inhales sharply, not knowing what to say to that, "I-"

The girl snapped her head in the direction of the elevator. It's him. And she knew then, by the way the Force presence filled the room, filled her. Like something that was missing just found. The Force swirled around her, filling her in ways she knew were too powerful, too dark. It felt too good to give up though, Rayn wanted to take in more of this feeling, and smiled in what the power felt like.

No. She told herself. Too dark, too dangerous.

This mission was bound to be a disaster.


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