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RAYN STARED GLANCED down at the pretty bracelet, wondering who Anakin really was. He'd surely put his hands on the leather, felt it smooth side and its rough. Felt the small ring of gold that's attached to those strings. She was under the impression he was arrogant, reckless, and boastful. No one she would want to hang around. At least, that's what Master Windu had told her.

Her eyes slowly settled on Padme again, "Have you had a meeting with them yet?" she asked, sick to her stomach. He touched my bracelet, gifted it to me. She couldn't stop rethinking herself that.

"No, which was what I going to tell you," she started, "We have a meeting scheduled tomorrow. Ten in the morning." Has he touched my hand too? Touched my hair or my skin?

"We have a meeting in the morning, and we are sitting here, drinking." Rayn said slowly, "Mind you, I'm underage." Has he heard my laugh, heard me confess my deepest sorrows? Late at night, when there is no one other around to hear?

"Why, yes." Padme tried not to chuckle, but could not hold back. She let out a small laugh.

"I need to lay down." Rayn looked out the window as she stood, watching the buzzing traffic in a haze. She walked away from her drink, leaving it on the table as she dragged her feet along, deep in thought.

"Oh," Padme said, "Alright, then. Goodnight, Rayn." The older sister worried for her younger one, and crinkled her eyebrows in sympathy.

"Goodnight, Mé." Rayn stopped atop the stairwell, "Padme?" Rayn questioned.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Do you know anything about my friendship -or whatever I had- with Anakin?" Rayn looked over her shoulder, down to the counter tops where they drank.

"Nothing more from what you spilled to me when you comm linked me or called with the holo disc. That bracelet is something you wouldn't quit blabbering about." Padme shrugged but added, "You were pretty fond of him, from what I remember you telling me." She prodded in the direction of her wrist, "Seems like he was pretty fond of you, too."

So maybe it was like that. Maybe I did know someone from my Padawan teachings.

"Thanks, Padme."

"Anytime." She went back to taking care of the wine glasses.

Rayn got ready for sleep, and flopped onto her mattress when she was finally ready. She heard Padme lock and shut the doors, as she left a while ago.

The girl stared up at the ceiling, nonstop thinking about the past that she somehow could not remember, wondering that maybe he couldn't remember either, or maybe he was thinking of her this very second.

Anakin, she thought. That's who my best friend is. He's missing from my memory for a reason. She thought and thought until she was in a deep sleep.

Maybe, just maybe, it was too dangerous for her to be close to him.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was too dangerous for him to be close to her.

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