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LATER INTO THE evening, the Queen was cleared to be discharged from the med-center. Padme met up into Rayn's Coruscant apartment after hearing she was back. Laughs could be heard from outside the girl's space. The apartment was not bare, although Rayn had many other places to go due to her duties rather than settle down in Coruscant.

Her apartment was crisp and modern with white walls and a larger and open floor plan. It wasn't gaudy, for Rayn wouldn't stand for a luxurious lifestyle. Although she was not necessarily humble over everything, money was the one of the few things she kept to herself on.

Faux fur rugs of white and grey tiger stripes sat in between the grey couches of the living room, under an accented grey wooden coffee table. Almost like Padme's floor plan, the balcony was open to the night stars and Coruscanti traffic Rayn lived for below. Warm candles sat atop the tables around the apartment and on the walls, creating a relaxed environment for Rayn and her guests. But since she really had no friends around her age besides Padme, the girl never really invited anyone over. Despite having so much white in the place, it appeared dark with the lighting type. It was warm and romantic, if you will. Even though no romance went on in Rayn's life. The sisters laughed over at the island counter top in the kitchen, sipping wine and making light in the recent and unfortunate event.

"I was so confused walking out of the Med-Center, Rayn!" Smiling and laughing even harder, "I was in tears and all of a sudden I see you darting up and screaming! Meanwhile, everyone thinks you're slipping into a coma." Eventually the laughter subsided, and the girls sipped on their drinks again. Rayn fiddled with the leather bracelet on her wrist. It was very old, and she couldn't remember when she got it. Rayn figured it was from her mother or something back when she was still a small child. Now a nineteen year old, who is more responsible than most adults five years older, it frustrates her she doesn't remember the origin of the bracelet.

"I suppose I should get around to telling you sooner or later..." Padme remembered as she savored her wine and looked down to what her sister was fidgeting with so much.

"What?" Rayn asked, darting her head up to face Padme, "The goddess-" she inhaled sharply, "Are you pregnant?"

"No, no. Nothing like that." Padme laughed lightly. It saddened Padme that she would likely never settle down in time to build a family. Her work was too demanding. But she accepted this because she knowingly signed up for the requirements.

"They are assigning me a personal body guard." Padme said.

"I'm sure you really pitched one to them over that." Rayn scoffed.

"You know me too well." Padme chuckled and sipped her wine. The mulberry colored drapes swayed as the wind picked up slightly outside. The heavy material hung closely to the walls by the balcony, enhancing the darkness. She was sure to put only warm toned sconces and other recessed ceiling lights by the curtains instead of candles to prevent any fire hazards.

"It's a Jedi this time though." Padme teased.

"Me?" Rayn giddied with excitement.

"I should have said a few bodyguards." Padme laughed, "But I guess they never really did say that you couldn't be one of them." She giggled again as Rayn bubbled with excitement.

"Well, I need to know what I'm working with here." Rayn smiled, "Who?"

"Ani and Obi!" Padme was overjoyed, but Rayn was not. "You remember them, right?"

"Who?" Rayn asked dumbfounded.

"Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi." Now Padme was confused over Rayn, "Jeez, Rayn! For as much you talked about him I would think you would remember! Not to mention he's got the look now, if you've seen the Holonet."

"Yeah, yeah, I know of them, and I definitely recall Obi-Wan all those years ago when he'd teach me after group sessions. And I do remember his Padawan being there." she paused, "I think." Rayn thought long and hard, "Wait no, no. That isn't him." She really didn't remember much of her Padawan experience. "Padme, I really can't even remember my first mission." That was really bothering Rayn. It was scary, to be forgetting such important memories.

"Well that's a shame." Padme felt sorry for her sister.

"You know, I think something is up. Lately I have been realizing that I don't remember anything exciting and memorable from my Padawan days. Everyone made these life long friends, and I don't remember having anyone to talk to besides Master Yoda. And when I woke up screaming, I had a vision of someone actually telling me to wake up." the girl admitted.

Padme was speechless for a few moments, "You need to really talk to Master Yoda about this. I don't know much about the Force, but he can help you. He always has." Rayn nodded, looking down at her wrist again.

She scoffed, "I don't even remember where or when or why I got this bracelet." She dangled her wrist in front of Padme.

Padme looked sincerely worried, "Rayn," she started,

"that bracelet is from Anakin."

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