Chapter One

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Hello again. Thanks for all the reviews on my past three books. Can't believe I'm working on a fourth book to my series. This one is going to cover The Prisoner of Azkaban and The Half Blood Prince. I will cover the fifth book in SEVEN chapters as I do not have much to say for that one. Then I will take my time on the sixth.

So here is chapter one, let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I wish I was the owner of Harry Potter, but I'm not! Amazing JK Rowling is, and any of this wonderful material you recognize is surely hers.

Chapter 1: Knockturn Alley


Why haven't you written back yet? Where are you? I haven't heard from you all summer. This is the tenth letter I've written. I'm starting to think they're not making it to you. I'm worried.


I sighed and picked up the next letter. I tore open the envelope and pulled the paper from inside. Why did I torture myself by reading these?

Hey Carlie,

Mother said you weren't living with us anymore and that you were staying with a friend. I don't believe her, why didn't you come back? Elvira is acting like she knows something. Answer me back, this is urgent.


I tossed those letters into the large pile of already opened letters delivered by Mia. It was growing weekly. I've been getting plenty of letters since I've moved here. I occasionally met Mia at the local owl post where she always had new letters for me. Jake has written ten letters which was unusual for him because he usually only wrote just a few long ones over break. Silvius had written me about five letters. He knew something was up when he never saw me come back from school. I had gotten two from each Dasha and Eowyn. Their first letters were about how their summers were going and then they asked how mine was going. I never responded, which was unusual for me. So they wrote letters asking me what was going on. I hadn't gotten any letters from Harry, Ron, or Hermione. That was normal though, they seemed to always be busy. Lately, I can't even imagine how Harry's life has been. I read the Daily Prophet and it was always headlined with how Harry and Dumbledore were liars and that Voldemort has not returned.


I believed Harry and Dumbledore. How else would Harry have known that 'Nyx' was a Death Eater? When I confronted my mother about it at the beginning of the summer she didn't deny it, she just begged me not to tell. I couldn't believe the rash decision I made to leave home and how I possibly ended up here. I didn't want to write back to Jake, Dasha, or Eowyn because then they'd feel obligated to have me come stay with them. There was no way I could write back to Silvius, because then I could be tracked down. He'd probably try to convince me to come home. And then I how could I go on living there and I lie to him about everything I knew?


When I left home that day I went to Knockturn Alley, because I knew that no one in school would be around. I walked around for a few hours before heading off to Diagon Alley. I needed to find somewhere to stay. The Leaky Cauldron was of course a bit sketchy and did allow people underage to get a room for one night, but I started off by asking for a week and they turned me down. I couldn't imagine what they would have done if I had asked for the whole summer.

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