Chapter Fourteen

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Almost near the end. Which means only one more book to go! Sad

Chapter Fourteen:

Classes got even more stressful than usual, because O.W.L.s would begin in a few days. I was horrified for them. I had no idea how I would do. Harry and Ginny were now supposedly 'together' now. I haven't spoken to him, but I saw them holding hands the other day in the hallway. Veronica was helping me practice for my O.W.L.s. Draco was getting out of the hospital wing today. I actually couldn't wait to see him and hear what he remembered happening. "Carlie focus!" Veronica yelled towards me. "You want to pass right?" I nodded but just couldn't focus. "It's not that difficult to get a full patronus, you've done it before."


I tried again, but it only formed to a little white orb. I just couldn't get it at the moment. "Can we take a break? Just for an hour?" I asked her. She nodded and then we left the classroom. Walking down the hall, it was packed with people heading off to their next class. I had a double break. It was grand to have such a long break.


As we walked someone caught my eye. It was Nick...that boy from well, that night I didn't want to remember. He smirked over at me and gave me a smug look. Whatever Draco did scared him must have passed. Draco was still in the hospital wing and he probably knew that. "Why are you making that face?" Veronica asked looking at me, I didn't think I was making any face. "Who's that boy staring at you?"


"Come on," I said dragging her down the hallway faster. Once we got away from that area I told her everything I could remember. Veronica's a great friend, she offered to go back and kick his ass for me but I told her not too. I just didn't want to deal with it anymore. I looked up at the clock and realized it was around one. Draco must be out by now.


I left Veronica and ran back to the common room, hoping to catch him. He was there. He looked like he actually had just walked in. "Draco," I said and he turned around. I hugged him without thinking, no one was around anyway. "Can you tell me what happened?"


"Potter attacked me," he spat rather annoyed.


"I know, I got that part. What was the spell?"


I don't remember, I hadn't heard it before." I nodded, wishing he remembered. We never heard of a spell like that in class, it looked painful.


"I've got to get going though, I'm a bit behind..." he said and I didn't ask. I don't know what he was talking about but he was alright at least. He quickly kissed me before taking off and I went up to my dorm to study, O.W.L.s were around the corner.

O.W.L.s week came sooner than I liked. My first O.W.L. was for transfigurations. I don't think I did too well on that one. I was never any good at transfigurations. I only got it three fourths of the way through the exam, but it was better than Eowyn's halfway version. Charms went alright. I think I did good enough on that one. Defense Against the Dark Arts was actually easy. I guess when you've experienced it in real life, you're all set on the test. My electives were pretty basic. History of Magic was actually pretty difficult, probably because I had never even paid attention in the class anyway. And finally, Potions was my final O.W.L. Surprisingly, I think I did the best in that class. The guy told me he was extremely impressed with my potion and in fact...I got an outstanding. Seriously?

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