Chapter Two

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Okay, so sorry for the wait. It usually takes me a while to get into a new story but once I do it'll be quick updates from there. It's starting off a bit slow I know, but I promise it'll pick up!

Btw, I am adding a new character to this chapter; Veronica Mason who is the main character of BelongInHogwart's Harry Potter Story! So check that out x

Chapter Two

September first came quickly. It was finally time for me to head back to Hogwarts for my fourth year. I said my final goodbye to Cyprienne after I left my little room. "If you ever need somewhere to run away to, just remember this place never gets too crowded," she added with a smirk.

I laughed. "Thanks again, for everything," I responded. She wasn't the hugging type, but I was surprised when she handed me a small package.

"Just a goodbye present. Hope these past few months haven't made you too sensitive to the sunlight." I smiled in amusement. Knockturn Alley was very shady and I rarely got out in the sun. I probably was paler than even going back to Hogwarts. I tore open the messy wrappings and smiled widely at what was inside.

"Is this real?" I asked in awe while holding it up and examining it. It was a small glass box but inside there was about a dozen fangs...vampire fangs. A few were even covered in blood. She nodded. "Where did you get these?" I asked. Vampire fangs were really rare to come across.

"You meet a lot of weird people, to put it nicely, around here." She could say that again. I've never met so many strange people in my life, but I would take these strangers any day over my lying family back home.

After our goodbye I headed straight towards the train. I knew I would visit again soon. Summer passed by so quickly this year, probably because I wasn't sitting in my room the entire time. Though I didn't feel like the same person. This was the first summer I was on my own. No parents telling me what to do or house elves serving me meals. It was...different. Cyprienne didn't tell me what to do. I had to grow up.


All I could think about was how my life had been a lie up until the day Elvira told me. I thought I had gotten over it, but I guess I just hadn't. I was angry and didn't know what to do about it. There really wasn't anyone I could take it out on. I had left my family for good last summer. King's Cross was packed as usual but by now I was used to it. When I got to the train I tried to avoid Draco as much as possible. I doubt he would waste his time saying anything, but I had to be careful in case he decided to spill out where I have been all summer in front of Dasha and Eowyn. They'd be mad I didn't tell them.


The platform was packed and it was easy to pick out the confused looking first year. I stepped onto the train through the back after handing off my trunk. I looked around for any familar faces. That's when I spotted the bright red curly hair. "Carlie!" Eowyn called rushing over to me. Dasha was right behind her. Then they started shooting off their questions.


"I missed you guys," I said quickly. "I got to visit a distant relative with Silvius, in eastern Russia. I don't think Mia made it that far." It was a total lie but I hoped they believed it. I wasn't even Russian. They seemed to believe it because then they went on about things that had happened with them. Nothing too out of the usual, just a lot of relaxing vacations with their families. After the train took off, I wanted to visit a few of my other friends. I loved talking to Dasha and Eowyn, but I left before Draco had any time to talk or insult me. Things didn't end too well with Draco and I last year. Our conversation this summer was brief. I went to go see what was up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ron and Hermione had become Gryffindor prefects. Draco and Pansy were the Slytherin prefects, unfortunately. Eowyn was the one who figured that out.

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