Chapter Four

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What's up with the new font? Anyways...

I liked writing this chapter, no idea why, but let me know what you think in the end! x 

Chapter Four

I had to admit, the dress came out better than I thought. Once this war ended, maybe I'd consider going into fashion. The used to be long and ugly green dress with the unnecessary material was no longer recognizable. I wanted it to be bright red, my own way of being rebellious and wearing a Gryffindor, color but it was a dark red. I'd deal with it. The puffy sleeves were removed and I lowered the neckline but only a little, just below my collar bones. That oversized bow was removed. The skirt was thinned and shortened a bit, it was simple but I was happy with it.


Once I walked down stairs, Elvira was the first one to see me. "I didn't see that in your trunk! Where were you hiding that?" she asked angrily. I almost laughed at the sight of her in the horrible green dress. She looked like ogre, I wanted to cry of laughter but of course refrained.


"You couldn't have looked a little more presentable?" my mother said to me. All of the girls had their hair pinned back but I left mine down. I shared a look with Silvius who just smiled. I walked in next to him and as we got to the door, there was someone checking off names. Wait...I recognized him, it was Peter Pettigrew! As I passed him his eyes shot to me and he definitely recognized me, my parents didn't seem too happy about that.


I snapped my head away from him and looked around the crowded Malfoy Hall. It was about the size of the Great Hall, but there were small tables full of deranged and dangerous wizards. I recognized many of them. There was Narcissa and Bellatrix, along with Bellatrix husband. Rowle and Yaxley from the battle at the Department of Mysteries. Plenty unfriendly faces were all around. We were all told to take our seats. I sat between Silvius and Dane, keeping my head down. I wasn't prepared to see the Dark Lord. If Jake or Harry knew where I was, they wouldn't like it. Plus, I couldn't say I was too welcomed here. A lot of Death Eaters recognized me from the battle and would stop to glare at me. I walked around in anxiety. I couldn't stop thinking that the Dark Lord was in the building. I was going to see him. The man who killed so many people. Why was everyone acting so calm? Fear filled through me.


Then my fear had come true, the Dark Lord had arrived in long black robes looking like a Dementor. I stared up in fear as everyone cheered and applauded, but I refused to do so. My father shot me a dangerous look but I left my hands on the table. He was even scarier than Harry described, looking like a crossbreed of a snake and human. His eyes were red and fingernails were long, my heart was beating a fast. "Welcome, Death Eater's and family!" his dark voice spoke as it boomed through the room, there was more applause. "As an act of appreciation for you dedication..." he motioned towards the back door where all of the witches and wizards who were imprisoned from the battle at the Department of Mysteries walked into the room.


Even more applause, I watched as they filled the room taking seats with their families. When Lucius passed he gave me a dry look and continued towards the front. I hadn't even noticed Draco was there, but Narcissa seemed thrilled when Lucius walked over. Even though I hated Lucius, I was glad he was back for Draco's sake. Then the Dark Lord, I still was afraid to use his name, gave his speech. I tried to push it out of my brain, but I heard almost every word. He spoke about redeeming their power over the muggle world. How being purebloods they needed to prove that they were better than everyone else. Those purebloods had a right to magic and how Harry Potter was taking that away from them. Hearing Harry's name made it all the worse, they were serious about killing him. This was frightening.

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