Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

When I walked into our dorm that night Dasha and Eowyn were yelling at one another. Now this I haven't seen before. Normally they got along better than anyone. "Are you daft!" Eowyn yelled at Dasha.

"Who are you calling daft? Look who's talking," Dasha snapped back. Wow. I had never seen them fight like this and suddenly felt extremely awkward. At least they were pretending like I wasn't there.

"Real low," Eowyn yelled back. "I'm not the idiot dating Ellias Becker." Ellias Becker was a seventh year, who was known for being a player. He used girls all the time and despite his good looks, he seemed to be an even bigger jerk than Draco. What would Dasha want to do with him? I knew she was smarter than that. "Sure, he told you you're pretty, but I can assure you that's the only reason he spoke with you. Bloody hell, he doesn't like you for your brains!"

"Oh please," Dasha shot back. "Like you would know! You can hardly understand anyone, no wonder you don't have many friends." This fight was getting a little too intense. "Right, Carlie?" Dasha turned to me as I sat down on my bed and began to do homework. Why did they have to drag me into this?

"You don't believe all the nonsense she's muttering about?"

"Carlie knows as well as anyone, he's just using you as a 'pretty girlfriend'. Like he actually would truly like you. Right Carlie?"

"Umm...can I just not pick sides?" I asked and they both gave me looks. "Okay, I'm not picking sides." I picked up my books and went down to the common room to study. There was seriously no way I was going to pick between them, no matter who was right.

The next day classes were going pretty well. I hated Divinations and wanted to drop it, but it was either that or Ancient Ruins. I heard that class was even harder. I had Potions next, which I was actually enjoying for the first year ever. "Great potion Ms. Nyx," Slughorn said walking up next to me. "It's the right color and all. I wonder why your transcript had such poor grades." He walked away and I knew the answer, Snape was the teacher. I also knew, that even though Slughorn seemed to like me, I wasn't going to be invited to his club because I come from a Death Eater family.

Then I had Defense Against the Dark Arts, my favorite class. Snape paired us up into twos. I was unfortunately paired with Ginny Weasley who still didn't like me. I wondered if she would ever get over that. At least we didn't have to talk, because we were working on nonverbal spells. Ginny got a few right and I fell back many times. It didn't work anyone else, of course I was paired up with the one girl in the class who knew what they were doing.

Dasha and Eowyn continued ignoring each other. At least they weren't fighting. Eowyn stuck with Maeve and her friends. Dasha was now always with her boyfriend Ellias. I didn't trust him. His appearance just read jerk. On a previous day, Dasha me what I thought of him and I just said I didn't know him. She said something along the lines that she wasn't a nerd and she didn't want people to think that books were the only thing important to her. She wanted to date someone the complete opposite of her. Well, she found the right guy for that.

Harry still insisted that Draco was a Death Eater. I didn't believe it. I paid attention to Draco's actions but he didn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. He hadn't asked me for help yet on whatever he was supposed to be doing. He was still picking on younger students and black mailing older ones. He just seemed to be a little more...down, but I would think it's because the whole school now knew his father was officially a Death Eater and went to jail.

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