Chapter Seven

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Wow so close to 1,000 views already! Maybe, we'll reach it on this chapter :P this is the beginning of many chapters where you will see Veronica Mason, a character created by BelongInHogwarts. So make sure to check out her stories, because she's helped me a lot! Hope you like Veronica! 

Chapter Seven:

I didn't write back to Jake, but at least he knew I was safe. What Jake didn't know, didn't hurt. Of course I felt guilty for making him worried. He was safe though, so school went on. My schedule was good this year aside from the fact I had Professor Snape first. This year was my O.W.L.S, and I couldn't deny how terrified I was of taking them. It was all the teachers talked about in every class. Professor Snape made a comment along the lines of, "Nyx will be lucky if she gets a D in potions." D for dreadful, meaning I failed. This year he wasn't teaching potions though, he was now teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Maybe he would be pleasantly surprised. The only passing grades were O for Outstanding, E for Exceeds Expectations, and A for Acceptable. Truth be told, I was shooting for Acceptables at this point in the game.


People seemed to pay more attention to me this year, but it wasn't for a good reason. One, everyone knew my father was a Death Eater now that the Daily Prophet broadcasted a list of everyone at the Department of Mysteries battle. Two, I hadn't returned to the rest of fifth year. Three, they must be wondering where I stood amongst the war and which side I was supporting. I think that was pretty obvious.


I kept to myself, whenever someone asked me anything I would give them a one word answer. Even a few older students were saying things to me which rarely happened. Another comment Snape just had to make was, "How nice of Ms. Nyx to join us. Maybe this time it will be for a full year." Thank you Snape, for reminding everyone.


Dasha and Eowyn had the same elective as each other, but I had Divinations once more. They both refused to take it so I was alone in this class. As I was walking down the hallway, I was going to be extremely late. I was coming from the Dungeons, I had just had my first class with Slughorn and surprisingly enjoyed it. Usually I hated Potions, but I actually liked it. Maybe because the Professor wasn't out to get me because he stayed far away from me as possible. He only came by once or twice just to grade us. Slughorn even gave me a compliment on my potion, that's another first.


The hall was empty because everyone was already in class, was there even any point in going? Oh shit...I looked up to see Harry Potter coming my way. It was just the two of us in the hallway, he was going to say something to me. "Carlie," he called and stopped in front of me. I stopped and looked up in a smile. "Where were you? You disappeared after...we were all worried." A cold sweat came over me. It was the first time we have spoken. That was unlikely.


"I'm sorry, they kept me at the Salem House. I didn't leave my room so I didn't hear anything, if that's what you're asking," I responded and he nodded. Well at least he accepted it. "I'm sorry about your nose...I mean what Draco did."


"Why were you sitting with him, at the feast?" Harry asked me.


"Um..." I responded not having an answer for that.


"Carlie, be careful. I think he's a Death Eater."

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