Chapter Seven- End of Part One

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So here's the end of the Order of the Phoenix. Again, I know I rushed it! But I hope I got the point across. Also, I am going to take like a week or two break before posting the Half-Blood Prince version! & I will be posting that in this book as Part Two, because this was so short & I don't want to take up a lot of room! Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Seven:

The ride was long and once we landed I couldn't be happier. I basically stumbled off the Thestral, landing on my knees but jumped right back up on my feet. Ground, I was so happy to see ground. There wasn't time to kill and Harry led us into the Ministry of Magic. He was familar with it from the summer trial. I walked in awe as we walked up and down the hallways, making sure there was no one around. I have never been to the Ministry and it was brilliant. I would have loved to have spend more time here, but of course that wasn't a possibility.


We all crammed into an elevator, which was sort of stupid because if anyone stopped to get on the elevator they'd know we were here. It was way after hours though. Thankfully no one seemed to be in the area so we took the elevator all the way down to the Department of Mysteries. Harry was sure Sirius was down there. When we got off there was only one long hallway with multiple doors. The center of the room was large and circular with a weird archway in the middle surrounded by smoke. This place was weird.


I followed everyone down the hall, keeping close to Jake. "There's the door!" Harry called pointing to the very last one at the end of the hall. We picked up the pace and rushed down to it. When Harry opened it we all stepped in. It about the size of the great hall with thousands of shelves holding glowing orbs. I think we learned about these in Divinations. They were called Prophecies, and there were millions of them here. "Come on, follow me." We all got our wands out as we followed Harry down the path and he was reading everything we passed.


I kept an eye out, looking around for anyone who may want to attack us but I didn't see anyone. It seemed pretty dead in here. Then Harry stopped and approached a shelf. "This is it," he said to us quietly and reached for one of the small glowing orbs. "I'm positive." As he picked it up it began to speak. We all listened in silence and only one sentence remained in my head. 'Neither can live while the other survives.' It didn't take much to know what that meant, it was talking about Harry and the Dark Lord.


"Very good," a dark voice said. It wasn't one of us and we all got close with our wands pointed. From the end of the path I watched as a masked figured approached us. Death Eater. We were in trouble. "You've found it." They were getting closer and closer, and then I noticed there wasn't just one Death Eater. There were many and they were forming a circle around us. "You must learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality." With a wave of his wand the mask vanished away and Lucius Malfoy stood before us. My heart sank, Draco's father.


"He knows how to play," a loud voice called and from behind Lucius stepped a witch with wild black hair and ghostly skin stepped from out behind Lucius. It was Bellatrix Lestrange, but I was completely caught off guard when the other's masks began to vanish.


Before me father. Well, Desmond Nyx. He glared at me with rage and darkness while holding his wand up. Now I was screwed. I didn't move my ground but know I knew I was in complete trouble. Jake noticed my discomfort and grabbed my arm, he recognized my father from the Quidditch World cup. Lucius spoke only to Harry, just trying to persuade him to hand over the Prophecy. Harry wouldn't give in but then Lucius got even more persuasive.

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