Chapter Five

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Reminder: This book is going to be very short, only seven chapters, so yes I am rushing because I didn't want to skip over the fifth year. Hopefully I get the point across! & I am also following along the lines of the movie, because the book was so long & there was so much I would have had to add! Anyways...

Chapter Five:

Alright, so I felt entirely guilty about keeping what was going on with Draco and I from well...everyone. I didn't tell Dasha and Eowyn, obviously not Jake, and of course not Harry. I continued with Dumbledore's Army, but every time I walked into the room of requirement a cold sweat came over me in fear that they may have found out. Draco and I were on good terms for once. Yes the fighting continued, but I couldn't help it. I still blamed him for getting me banned from Quidditch. Whenever we were around people we fought but when we were together we made up for it. It wasn't a good relationship and surely wasn't a normal one, but it worked for us.

When Jake arrived I realized I completely forgot everything I wanted to say to him, but now I couldn't even say it. I was right about one thing, something was up with the Death Eaters. Shortly after everyone got back from break, a news article was published in the Dailey Prophet. Ten of the most highly guarded Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban, some of the most dangerous Death Eaters of all time. I've heard of a few of their names before, mainly the Lestrange's.

Classes resumed but they weren't the same. Umbridge was involved in almost all of the classes. She was changing everything, controlling what the teachers did, and even 'supervised' some of the classes. She was an absolute monster and her rules were taking over everything. Draco was always wearing the Inquisitorial Badge proudly. Umbridge seemed to adore him lately. She had him doing all of her dirty work and he enjoyed it of course.

Even though I was keeping secrets from everyone else, I kept the fact that I was in Dumbledore's Army far the hell away from Draco. I didn't even drop hints that it even existed. I would leave for meetings but I never told him where I was going. Most of the time I would just tell him I was going to hang out with Harry or Jake. He would roll his eyes, complain, or tell me not to but in the end he knew he couldn't stop me. Plus this way, he wouldn't want to come with me. I have gotten really good at being sneaky, I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

I was walking down the hall when I felt the coin in my pocket heat up. That meant there was Dumbledore's Army meeting. I checked my surroundings before turning around and heading back towards the direction of the room of requirement. I was careful when entering and when I did about half of the people were there. "Hey Carlie," Jake greeted with a smile. I smiled back but knew how hurt he'd be if he knew I was lying to him...or keeping something from him. Especially because it had to do with Draco and he hated Draco.

"Hey everyone," I said smiling to hide my thoughts and walked over to them. "What are we doing today?" I asked curiously, Harry was an amazing teacher. Although he wants to become an Auror I think he'd make an excellent Professor.

"We're working on destruction spells today," Hermione answered me. I hadn't really heard of too many of those. Once everyone arrived we all gather around a dummy and took turns repeating 'Reducto'. Cho didn't even move it but her friend Riley Tudor from Ravenclaw managed to make a huge whole through the heart of the dummy. She'd be pretty dangerous in a fight, I didn't expect that from her. Then Seamus managed to set it on fire...obviously. That always happened to Seamus. I suggested that he probably should get another wand. Another Ravenclaw, Hattie Vang, was also pretty destructive, she made a massive whole in the stomach of the dummy. Ravenclaw's were pretty impressive.

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