Chapter Thirteen

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Shorter chapter, but hopefully you like it. There will be another update soon. x

Chapter Thirteen:

I ignored Jake's letter. I assumed he had heard from Harry or someone else who was being overly suspicious. Just because someone comes from a Death Eater family, it does not make them a Death Eater. For instance, myself. Apart from that, things were going fine between Draco and me. It was actually exciting, I hated to admit, to have a secret. Like last year, we pretended to ignore or hate each other in public but when we were alone things went back to our usual ways. I stopped asking questions, I understood how aggravating that could be. Things were going fine between us. We'd spend time together on our breaks when no one was around. Even once we went to the library and walked around in the book shelves, only having to avoid Hermione. I'm afraid of Harry though, with that map of his.


We were good at keeping it a secret from everyone. I did break our 'secret' though, I told Veronica. She wouldn't tell a soul and I believed her. I had to tell someone and she was the closest to me as of right now. She knew something was up between us anyway. "Want to head to lunch?" Veronica asked me as I came around the corner. Classes had just gotten out. We were next door to one another.


"Sure," I replied. We went to lunch and found some open seats. We were talking about O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s when Veronica snapped up from her seat. "What's wrong...?" I began asking her.


"I got a letter from the Weasley's! I was supposed to reply yesterday!" she answered and  began walking away. "I'll see you later." I think it was nice she remained in contact with Fred and George. She was always coming up with little ideas for their joke shop. I think she would be great working there in the future. Then I was alone again. The room was barely full. I noticed Draco walk into the room. I went to give him a secret smile but noticed his attention was drawn somewhere else. Katie Bell.


He looked incredibly nervous and I turned to see that Katie Bell was back, and she was talking with Harry. I didn't know she was even back, but I knew that Harry blamed Draco for it. I watched as Harry turned to see Draco who was backing out of the room and go after him. Not this again, I groaned and pushed back my food standing up. Walking out the room I barely saw them turn right. Why were they moving so fast?


I had a hard time following them and then got lost, where could they? I walked up and down the hallway when I heard what sounded like a fight. Please no... I walked faster down the hallway and heard the noise coming from the girl's bathroom. Oh I wish Veronica didn't leave me. I ran down to the end of the hall where the bathroom was and pushed the door open. The noise had stopped and just Harry was standing there. "Harry," I yelled as I ran in and then noticed his face was looking horrified. I looked to my left and saw Draco lying on the floor, covered in blood. I let out a gasp and turned to Harry. "What the hell did you do!" I yelled at him and walked over to Draco who was lying on the floor. Blood was coming from everywhere. "You'll be..." I began saying but didn't know if I could finish it. I didn't know if he would be okay, I've never seen anything like this. What had Harry done?


Snape burst into the room looking just as horrified. He passed Harry and ran right over to Draco. "Nyx, go get Madame Pomfrey," he commanded. I didn't move. I felt bad leaving Draco and was in shock at all the blood. "Go now!" I looked at Draco's face, which was staring up at the ceiling and nodded. I slammed into Harry's shoulder to push past him with a dark glare. He was the one causing the problems. I ran straight to Madame Pomfrey's office.


Later that evening I was walking around with Veronica. I was telling her everything I had seen up until then. "So, what happened to Harry?" she asked me as we passed a few more people.


"I don't know, but I don't care," I replied annoyed. "I hope he receives a life's worth of detentions and million points deducted." Whatever Harry did, it was overly dramatic and Draco was in the hospital wing since I found him. We weren't allowed to visit him. I guess it was bad.


"What spell did Harry even use to do that?" Veronica asked me thinking. I figured she would have known the spell.


"I thought you may have known," I replied. "To make it even worse, I got detention! Parkinson told me that Snape wanted me for detention tonight for being on the scene." Veronica laughed and I playfully shoved her shoulder. "This is not funny." I tried saying without laughing.


I walked with Veronica back to the common room before my detention and then ran up to my dorm to get a jacket. It was getting freezing lately, especially in the dungeons. As I entered my dorm, I saw Eowyn and Dasha hugging. "Finally!" I announced walking in the room with a smile, they both turned and looked at me teary eyed. They've been friends for years, they could not throw it away over a guy. "You guys are friends again!" I joined in on the group hug. They both nodded and smiled, but then Dasha continued crying in a non-happy way. "What's wrong?"


She sat down on her bed still teary eyed. "Eowyn was right," she whispered, "He was a jerk. He only used me, he dumped me after we..." She didn't need to say it. I knew all about her boyfriend and he was a total player he had done it all the time. "I thought he actually would like me. He would never like a boring bookwork like me." That's why she went out with him all along, so that she wouldn't be so predictable.


"Dasha, you're not boring," Eowyn said to her.


"Not at all, you're just extremely smart. That is not a bad thing," I explained. "When he's working at a small shop for the rest of his life and you're at the top of the Ministry, we'll see whose crying then." She smiled and nodded. "Well, I better get going for my detention." They looked at me questionably. "I'll tell you later."


I entered into Snape's office, thankfully Harry wasn't there. I hope he was stuck doing something much worse than whatever I had to do. Snape turned to look at me and I quickly said, "Can I just ask why I'm here sir?" I said confused. "I was only trying to stop Harry from doing something ridiculous."


"That's what Mr. Potter told me," Snape said interrupting me. "If you gave me a chance to speak." Harry defended me? Now I felt like a complete jerk for talking bad or thinking bad about him. He did harm Draco though, so he did deserve what he gets.


"I'm free to leave then...?" I asked hopefully.


"You are." I nodded and began to walk away but couldn't resist.


"Professor Slughorn says I'm great at potions sir," I said turning to him with a proud smile. "He was shocked at my previous grades." Snape looked up at me and I could tell he was trying to hold back a smirk. It was the first time I've ever seen Snape look as if he wanted to laugh.


"Goodnight Ms. Nyx," he replied and I smiled as I walked out of the room. 

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