Beginning of Part Two: Chapter One

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Hello, so this is the beginning of Half-Blood Prince! Hope you like it, I was excited to get to this book because a lot of family drama starts happening. No spoilers though. Also, here you see character Monique again by InsertWittyNameHere. Also, character Avery by MentalRetardedLlama. Let me know what you think! Trying something different with Jake's point of view

Beginning of Part Two: Chapter One

Jake's Point of View

Everyone seemed to be rushing around me but I remained frozen in my seat. Each time someone came through that door I waited, but every time was the same. There was no news. I sat in the living room of the Black House while the rest of the members of the Order walked around me, planning their next moves. It was now August and I haven't seen or heard from Carlie for three months. The only thing I remember is seeing her father apparate away with her while I laid on the floor immobile. I wanted to help more than anything, the second I got up I went to the aurors, but it was no use. She was gone.

What did he do to her? Being as out of it as I was, I only saw his lips move and form the word 'kill'. If he killed her...I gripped the arm rests of my chair tightly as I thought of what I would do to him. I'd never use the Cruciatus curse but for him I'd make an exception. I told Dumbledore everything I had seen and he sent a few aurors out to look for her, but nothing. They investigated her Salem house but apparently it was completely cleared out. No one in sight. They gave up looking for her after the first month because there were so many other things going on in our world. I even sent her letters, but every time the owl returned it, meaning that it couldn't find her. That wasn't a good sign.


I didn't even go home after my last day of Hogwarts. I wrote my parents a letter explaining as much as I could and went straight to Order Headquarters. Fred and George had joined as well. There was a good amount of members. Minus one, Sirius Black. He was killed during the battle at the Department of Mysteries. Lately all we've been doing is planning and talking hypothetically. People were trying to get information on everything the Dark Lord was up too. I was shocked to see that even Snape was a member of the Order, he was always bringing information but did I trust him, no. Did I keep my mouth shut, yes.


When we got back to school after the battle at the Department of Mysteries, it was a total mess. Classes were cancelled and everyone was horrified to hear that the Dark Lord was indeed back. A lot of kids left school early. Dumbledore came back and unfortunately saved Umbridge, I would have left her in the Forbidden Forest. Only a few of the Death Eater's were imprisoned. Lucius Malfoy being one of them. That arse finally getting what he deserved all along. Thinking of Malfoy, Draco Malfoy seemed a bit caught off guard when I ran into him when we got back.


I was walking back from the Hospital Wing with a thousand thoughts running through my head. She would show up any minute, the aurors would find her, and she would show up any minute in the hospital wing. From the end of the hallway I saw Malfoy walking with another smug look. Guess he hasn't found out his father has been imprisoned for life. "Aye, Ryfeld," he called as we came closer in the hallway. "Nyx in the hospital wing?" I didn't respond. "Bet she'll love hearing who picked the right side after all." I glared at him darkly.


"She's not in there," I stated coldly.


"Wow, Nyx managed to not get a scratch. Shocking."


"What I mean by she's not in there, is that she's not back in the school smartass." His smug facial expression melted away into confusion.


"What do you mean?"


"I mean she made it back." I couldn't even read his facial expression but he looked as if someone punched him in the face. Did he actually care? I found that hard to believe. "She disappeared with her father, no one has seen her since." Malfoy didn't say anything yet he quickly pushed passed me quickly. I was so furious with him, for everything he's done. I couldn't resist so I turned and said, "By the way, you're father is in Azkaban."

A voice disrupted me from my thoughts. "You have a visitor," someone said and I looked up to see Avery taking a seat across from me. Her pet lizard was seated on her shoulder as usual. She was holding three wands but it didn't surprise me. Her grandfather was Ollivander, she knew a lot about wands from him and she was always examining everyone's wands for them. Avery was a couple years older than I was. I felt bad for her, Ollivander was kidnapped over the summer. She was very useful to the Order and they wanted to keep her safe from the Death Eaters, they seemed to be in the need of wand makers lately.


"Who?" I asked her, no one knew where I was. She looked up at me pushing her pale blonde hair out of her face. There were similarities that reminded me of Carlie in her, she was friendly and rather out going. I probably spent the most time with her this summer. I learned a lot about wand lore.


"I'm not sure, they knew you though and said something about a year ago." Avery shrugged and went back to closely examining the wands. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see who that exact guest was. It was Monique, from the Triwizard tournament. She stood in the kitchen with Bill and Fleur, who were currently dating. "Monique?" I said wondering what she was doing her.


"Jacob," she said in her light French accent. "I joined the Order, after hearing about it from Fleur. I just knew I had to join." She looked the exact same as the last time I saw her, about a foot shorter than me with curly blonde hair.


"It's really nice to see you again Monique," I said to her and it was. She and I got off onto a pretty good start before she had to go back to Beauxbatons. I couldn't deny that I did begin liking her back then a bit. I couldn't let feelings distract me though especially in such dangerous times. The only thing I was worried about was finding Carlie and defeating the Dark Lord's side.

Hope you liked Jake's POV, I probably won't do it again but I felt it was necessary at this time. Official chapter in Carlie's POV will be up tomorrow!

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