Chapter Six

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Alright, only one more to go in this part. Hope you're exicted, again sorry for rushing through the year.

Chapter Six:

"Jake," I said while nudging him and pointing to where Harry was. He had fallen back onto the ground but no one else seemed to notice. Everyone was caught up in the previous excitement. Hermione had gotten down at his side and began dragging him out of there. "Look Jake." Jake turned to where I was pointing to see a glimpse of Harry. He stopped cheering.


"What happened to him?" he said looking through the crowd to see Harry. Hermione was escorting him out of the courtyard. Jake and I shared a knowing look, we wanted to go after him to make sure he was oky. "Let's give them a few minutes though, just in case he doesn't want to be crowded." I nodded in agreement and then everyone began clearing out.


We waited about ten minutes but when we came around the corner they were gone. I really wanted to know what was wrong. Jake and I went separate ways, but we promised if we had heard anything we'd tell each other. I was heading back down to the dungeons when I felt the coin heat up in my pocket. I had forgotten it was there all along. That was strange, I thought Dumbledore's Army was over. I sharply turned on my heel almost bumping into someone and then rushed up to the Room of Requirement. When I got there the wall had sealed itself back together but it was Hermione who was standing outside.


"I didn't expect as many people to show up," Hermione said with relief when we all showed up around the same time. The only people there at the moment were Neville, Ginny, Luna, Jake, and I.


"What do you mean?" Luna asked her confused.


"Well after we got in trouble," Hermione began saying, "More than half of the people turned in their coins and didn't want anything to do with it." I could see that happening. A lot of people were afraid of getting into more trouble or even expelled, which we were threatened with. After seeing Harry go down, I wanted to see what was up. Hermione looked around the corners of the hall before speaking, but it was absolutely clear.


"Why do you need us here?" Jake asked her.


"Harry had another...connection," Hermione said unsurely. "Sirius is in trouble but we don't know for sure. Harry need to speak with him and the only way is through the Floo network. So we have to break into Umbridge's office, she's busy now so it shouldn't be hard." My eyes widened, break into Umbridge's office? Yup, definitely facing the threat of being expelled. "We didn't call you to help us break in, we just really needed look outs." That I could do.


"Alright," Ginny said. "What do you need us to do?"


"All we need you to do is space yourself out around the office so we don't look suspicious. You can all take different halls and maybe even different floors. When you see someone coming, motion towards the person on the other side of the hall and we'll keep passing it along until it gets to the office. Ginny would you be able to stand out front?" Ginny nodded and then Hermione disappeared back to Harry and Ron.


We all decided who would be taking which hallways. I ended up being in a hallway next to Jake. I sat down and tried to look casual but every time someone walked by, even little first years, I jumped in fear it was a teacher. I peered my head around the corner to see Jake leaning against the wall and smiled at him before turning back around to my hallway.

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