Chapter Three

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Hope you're liking it so far! Thanks again for all the reviews & comments, you guys are the best! The character here Reina was created by SlytherinRue!

Chapter Three


When August was coming to an end, the lock on my door strangely broke. So I was free to wander around as long as no one noticed me. No one did of course, everyone seemed extremely busy and caught up in plans. Bellatrix was pissed at everyone that they haven't killed me. She wanted what information I knew but I was good at playing dumb. I was surprised they haven't spiked me with any veritaserum yet. I didn't drink anything they would give me that wasn't from Silvius. Narcissa had to calm down Bellatrix a few times from going after me. So when I walked the halls I avoided her at all costs. I was always nervous I'd run into the Dark Lord, but Silvius had told me how he knew that the Dark Lord was always moving around. He had only stopped by a few times for meetings but the rest of the time he was regaining power over other Wizard's and creatures.


I think I had made an acquaintance, possibly. This girl absolutely despised anyone who supported Harry Potter and was around three or four years older than me. She graduated two years ago when Harry was at the school. Her name was Reina and she was the daughter of dedicated Death Eater, Thorfinn Rowle. I couldn't say we were friends, in fact she made it clear that she didn't like the fact that I was helping Harry.


She never turned me in though surprisingly. I knew she was friends with Elvira because the two were very similar. Reina looked more like my sister than Elvira though. We had the same coloring except for the fact that she was uncommonly tall. I had always seen her at the library and we read in silence. I was glad she didn't turn me in because then I would be screwed for leaving without permission.


Sometimes we even spoke, but on rare occasion. She randomly asked me why I defied my parents so much and that I didn't follow in their steps. I didn't have an answer other than because they chose wrong. Then I asked her why she chose to follow her parent's footsteps. I don't think she expected that but she told me how one time the Weasley twins called her weak in front of the entire school. She wanted to prove them and everyone wrong, but by siding and fighting on the side of the Death Eaters.


The only good thing that has happened to me this summer was finding out for sure that I would be going back to Hogwarts. For a while, I believed they'd keep me hidden here were I couldn't talk to my friends. Of course, it wasn't under any light terms. In fact, I actually feared going back because of what my father threatened me with.


"Now listen," Desmond said to me with a dark glare in his eyes. "You are going back to Hogwarts, but under many watchful eyes." That meant Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and any other Death Eater children at the school. "You will keep away from those nasty friends of yours. If I hear that you even speak with Potter or any Gryffindor, you'll regret it. I will kill you and all of your friends."


"I won't tell them anything if that's what you mean," I snapped back. I wanted to smile though once I was told I could go back to school. It was miserable here.


 "Oh right you won't," he said dangerously. "Because if you do I will kill you friend Jacob Ryfeld like I promised last time, along with his entire family. I found out where they reside, Hawaii, and trust me they won't know what hit them." He was so cruel, so awful, threatening innocent people's lives.

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