Chapter Three

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Sorry for the delay, it's going to take me a while to get into it! Sorry, but here goes nothing. Don't forget, I'm trying to cover The Order of the Phoenix quickly!

Chapter Three

            The first month went by extremely quickly. Umbridge was taking over the school and I couldn't stand it. After my very first detention with her...she absolutely despised me. Due to my sarcasam and disobidience to her instructions on that assignment...I had detention with her every day for two weeks. At least my letter proved a point. Her hate from me was growing daily.

She was investigating the teachers. She even got crazy old Trelawney kicked from her job. But at least Dumbledore allowed Trelawney to stay at the school.

Umbridge was relentless. She promoted herself to a position I didn't even know existed but it gave her more power in the school. She hated Harry more than anyone though, she was always going at him apparently. I felt bad too because when I talked to him he seemed really annoyed with everything she's been doing. I spoke with him a few times. Hermione and Ron despised Umbridge as well. No one seemed to be around much this year. Umbridge had everyone wanting to hide in their dorm rooms.


Jake and his friends liked to give her hell, they were always working with Fred and George to prank Umbridge. It was hilarious but if she found out they would get into so much trouble. This past weekend was a Hogsmeade weekend and I simply went shopping with Dasha and Eowyn. Still I had no signature, so I had to use my Honeydukes entrance way again. Jake was busy that day, but he didn't tell me why. That was strange because he told me everything. I thought we were back to the way we used to be.


This morning I was running late to a class I had with Dasha and Eowyn. Dasha was panting and racing in front of us, it was only History of Magic though. Who cares about that? When we walked in almost all the seats were filled except for an empty table in the front by the teacher and a seat in the back next to Luna Lovegood. "You guys can take the table," I told them and they nodded and walked up to the table. I didn't have a problem with Luna like they apparently did. They thought she was crazy, but no one has seen crazy until they spent a summer living in Knockturn Alley.


"Hello," Luna said to me as I sat down.


"Hey Luna," I replied and then Professor Binns dragged on and on. I couldn't take this class. I was so bored. After leaving that class I had a break. I asked Luna where Harry was. I've seen them talking a lot lately. I wish I got to talk to him about his previous detention. I followed Luna outside the class and down the hall, she was going to lead me to them.


We were coming around the corner when I heard someone mutter 'Dumbledore's Army' and when we got around the corner I realized it was Hermione. Harry and Ron were with her and when they saw me they all looked at me wide eyed. "What's Dumbledore's Army?" I asked them, but they all looked between each other awkwardly. Even Luna looked like she didn't know what to say.


"Um..." Hermione began saying. Were they trying to hide something from me? Why would they ever want to hide anything from me?


"You don't want to tell me?" I asked them.


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