Chapter Sixteen

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Only one more chapter to go, which will be posted tomorrow. Then I am going to take a break between the FINAL BOOK. Hope you enjoy, thanks to all who comment & vote. That's the reason I get my chapters up so quickly. Your comments make me smile x

Chapter Sixteen:

Tears were falling down my eyes as I continued running through the battle. What had I done? I didn't know who to believe or what to do anymore. That's when I spotted the blonde hair running down the hall. "Draco!" I screamed and he turned to me looking horrified. I ran over towards him and embraced him tightly. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. "Why is everyone..." I was freaking out but he looked like stone. I stepped back from him.


"You never listen!" he yelled. "What happened to staying the common room?" He had a worried look on his face and a cold sweat.

"Everyone has been telling me..." I couldn't say it. The words wouldn't leave my mouth. "They are telling me that you-"

"You don't listen," he repeated while looking over his shoulders.

"Are you?" I asked fearfully. It couldn't be true, but then he slowly moved up his left sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark tattooed onto his arm. I shook my head fighting back the tears. I was a complete idiot. He was a Death Eater, and I had fallen for him all year.


"No..." I whispered stepping back from him. "How could you?" I screamed at him pushing him away from me. He's lied to me all year and I've done nothing but defend him. He didn't say anything.


"Get back to the common room," he muttered darkly.


"No," I screamed. "I'm not doing anything you say anymore. You're a liar, I can't believe..." I grabbed my head where a massive headache was forming. How could I be so stupid?


"Then I'm sorry, but this is for you own good." I looked up at him and he had his wand pointed up at me. Before I could react he yelled, "Petrificus Totalus!" My eyes widened as the spell hit me and my body froze. He caught me before I crashed onto the ground. He dragged me over to the nook in the hallway and placed me down on the floor. "It's for your own good..." he said looking at me. "I'm sorry."


I watched as he took off quickly down the hallway. If I could just die I would. I was absolutely sick of all of this. He had lied to me. I defended him. My mind was blank as I laid there for who knows how long. I didn't want to be part of this anymore. Someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn't open my eyes. If was a Death Eater, who cares. It couldn't get any worse than it already was.

"Carlie," someone said and it was Silvius. I opened my eyes to see him as he removed the spell from me. The mark was on this left arm where he had his arm placed on my. My body loosened but I lay on the floor, I didn't want to get up.

"Malfoy told me where you were." I didn't want to hear his name. "Carlie, get out of here." Silvius pulled me up to a standing position.


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