Chapter Five

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Back to Hogwarts we go

Chapter Five

The next morning was the day I got to board the Hogwart's Express. As excited as I was to escape this house filled with evil, I feared how it was going to be lying to my friends. At least Jake wasn't going to be there this year, it was hard to lie to him. I bet he's been trying to write to me all summer. I feel awful. It was Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the rest of the Dumbledore's Army members I'd be lying too. They were going to go straight to me for information, just like the Death Eaters did. I couldn't say anything to either side and I wouldn't. People's lives were at stake either way.


I had to wake up early to take a shower before Elvira got up to hog it. At least I'd be a clean liar. Dasha and Eowyn were going to wonder why I didn't arrive back to school last year. I had to think of something creative to say. Everyone knows for a fact that my father had apparated away with me. I can't use the travelling excuse with Silvius. He was out of school now too, which meant he would have been working. Maybe I'd tell them my father apparated me to Salem and I escaped to stay with my godfather, yes that was what I was going to tell everyone.


After dressing in a pair of jeans and black fitting jacket, I came out to see the books on my bed on fire. I gasped in panic. "Aguamente!" I yelled pointing my wand and putting the fire out on my books, but they were completely destroyed and ash covered my bed. I looked up at Elvira. "What the hell is wrong with you!" She said nothing but smirked and sat back down on her bed.


"Felt like it," she said twirling her wand in her hand.


"I don't understand!" I yelled at Elvira as we stood across from each other. "Why did you burn my books?" I stared at the pile of burnt school books I had ordered by owl for school. They were all fried to a crisp, now I'd have to wait another two weeks and I board the Hogwart's express today. The professors would not understand of course.


"Because, you didn't tell me you could do that to your dress," she said unconvincingly while crossing her arms.


"I hardly think that's the reason," I said to her. "Why are you so awful. You're the one who discovered why our parents hate me, but it's not a reason for you to hate me. I did nothing to you." She didn't say anything but I could see her face turning red. "What is it? Enlighten me!"


"It's not fair!" she yelled.


"What's not fair?" I asked shocked. "How I got the worst room in the house? How I had to be hidden from our parents friends so that our guests didn't find out mom had an affair? That got treated awfully and got nothing, while you got everything you wanted?"


"It's not fair that you get to go to Hogwarts!" she yelled out. "And I have to go to boring old Salem. My life is so repetitive and boring, you're always in the center of the action. You have gone to so many places I've never gone, you've been in real fights and have seen creatures I'd never even heard of! It's not fair!"


"You're jealous that you've never faced any near death experiences?" I asked her sarcastically. "Because those weren't just fun and games Elvira, they were terrifying. People could have died, sometimes people did die. You have nothing to be jealous of."

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