Chapter Twelve

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Hope you like this one. You get two chapters today ! x

Chapter Twelve:

I didn't want to remember last night, but unfortunately I did remember most of it. When I woke up with the pounding head ache, I tried to forget everything I remembered. It felt like a dream but I knew it was real. I remembered things I really didn't want to. Unfortunately, it was a Monday so I had to go to all of my classes. It was obvious Eowyn had a worse headache that I did as she couldn't even move from her bed. Dasha gave both of us unimpressed looks and sat far away. All I wanted to do was forget.


My stomach felt a little queasy but definitely not as bad as Eowyn. She had to leave class to go to the bathroom a couple of times. Anything I heard today in my classes went in one ear and out the other. Luckily I had a two hour break between classes. I really needed it, just to go for a walk and get some fresh air. 

It did make me feel a lot better. As I was walking back to the castle I passed the mail post. I noticed Mia was sitting on the ledge with a letter in her claw. I didn't expect any more letters, unless Silvius had gotten back so soon but he made it sound like it was going to be months. Curious, I walked over and pulled it from her claws while patting her on the head. It wasn't from Jake either, it was from Elvira. How strange, she never wrote to me. I opened it up curious to see what it was about.

Avelina has disappeared. Her room was cleared and someone here swore they saw her walking towards the living room last night with a trunk. Damien has no idea where she's gone, neither does anyone else. I found her engagement ring this morning on the table. Mother is freaking out. If you have any idea where she is, everyone's trying to figure it out.


I knew exactly where she was. I almost dropped the letter. I would bet anything she escaped back to Salem with that muggle boy. That was so unlike her, it was so...risky. I never imagined her to take any risks. Of course I wouldn't tell them. I'd write back saying, why would I know, to make it seem as if I could care less. That's when I spotted another owl coming towards me but I didn't recognize this one, another letter was dropped as the owl flew away. It was addressed to me but I didn't know who it was from.


You probably have heard by now but I've run off. I can't tell you exactly where I am going, in case this letter is intercepted but I think you have an idea. Of course we'll continue moving from there. I'm giving up magic for good. I was never any good anyways. I just wanted to thank you for talking to me. I probably wouldn't be here now. This is the last letter I will write by owl and from here, I'm off to a magic-free happy life. Maybe after this war is over, we'll cross paths again.

Thank you,


Was it odd that I felt a tinge of sadness? Because that was what happened as I read the letter. I was happy and sad all at the same time. I was happy for her, but of course she runs off right when I thought maybe I'd have another person on my side. It's for the best. I burnt the letter for her protection and then carried on as if nothing would happen. Maybe we would one day cross paths again.


I was about to head back to the common room, just to take a nap and sleep off the rest of my headache, when I heard familiar voices. It was Harry and Hermione. They were talking outside the mailroom. I didn't move, it sounded like an argument. I listened closely to their words. "Why don't you just ask her?" I heard Hermione ask Harry.

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