Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

It's been a while, but finally our first Quidditch match was here. Last year the Triwizard Tournament ruined Quidditch for us all but it felt good to be back. I smile widely as I polished my broom while sitting in the team room. Draco was look rather smug today. He kept repeating that we were definitely going to be winning. Of course, I hoped he was right because I loved when we won. It was always funny to see Jake's reaction when Slytherin won. "It's time," Draco said. He was captain this year. We all stood up and followed him out onto the pitch, expecting a win.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Gryffindor beat us by a lot. They caught the snitch and got more goals than us. Jake kept flying by muttering his sarcastic side comments to me, but I couldn't say I've never done the same. We never fought over it outside the pitch. It was just funny to be on different teams. When we hit the ground Draco lost it on us. He began yelling out comments at Harry, Fred, George, and the rest of the Gryffindor team. He was mainly making nasty comments towards Fred and George, about their family. Jake landed with his friends and looked furiously over at Draco. He was being ruder than usual, even I was shocked by them. He was taking it pretty far over a game.

"Upgraded to Comets I see," Draco said sarcastically motioning to their cheaper brooms. Last year they had Cleansweepers but this year they got new ones. It was none of Draco's business. "Hard to see that you're family could even afford one, let alone two." Fred looked at him angrily with a glare and went to attack him but Jake held him back.

"Oh shove it Malfoy!" Fred yelled back at him but Draco didn't stop. Suddenly the whole field went silent just listening to him. Draco wasn't stopping, he was getting the whole Slytherin team to laugh, apart from me of course.

"Why don't you just shut up?" I said to him lowly and he glared back at me. Of course he didn't stop and he shot comments back and forth with the Weasleys. Then it got bad, he began making comments about Mrs. Weasley. That's when Harry attacked him, I noticed Harry had been full of anger and I was just waiting for him to explode.

Harry whipped out his wand and casted a spell directly at Malfoy who dodged it and shot one back at him. The Weasley's joined in as well. I quickly got out of the way, out of the line of fire. It was getting vicious. A spell almost hit me, I noticed it came from a Slytherin member so I shot one back. Suddenly a bunch of teachers ran out onto the field. Unfortunately, it was terrible Umbridge who got their first. "BANNED!" she yelled running over, motioning for Filch to collect Harry, mine, and the Weasley's brooms.

"Malfoy as well," Professor McGonagall said bitterly. Draco did start it and Umbridge banned him as well. Umbridge gave me a dark look. Banned? I was banned from Quidditch? Quidditch was one of the only things I loved! How could anyone take that away from me. I only casted one spell, I didn't do anything else! I was fuming with anger. Filch ripped the broom from my fingers. No. Quidditch was something I had in common with my father. It was in my blood she couldn't take that away from me. I couldn't imagine how angry my Godfather would be if he found out that the school banned me from Quidditch, he'd get me back on the team. But I didn't want to have to beg him, maybe she was only threatening us. The Quidditch Pitch soon emptied and we were all told back to Hogwarts. The five of us who were banned had to go to Dumbledore's office with the rest of the professors.

We were banned. It was in the rules, any use of magic on the Quidditch Pitch against any student involved being banned for the rest of the year. For the first time in a while I left crying, I waited until I was completely away from the rest of the students and cried walking all the way back to the common room. This couldn't happen, Quidditch was one of the only things I loved. Draco was probably already back at the Quidditch room ranting about it to everyone. He gave me a dark glare before rushing back off.

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