Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

I glanced around the Great Hall once we arrived, it was filling up but there were fewer students than last year. I suppose a lot of parents are worried with what's going on lately. I didn't blame them. Things we're getting dangerous. Draco came and took the empty seat across from me next to Blaise. As much as I hated doing so, the closer I stuck to Draco the less likely I had to worry about any of my friends from last year approaching me. This way I wouldn't have to lie to them. Dasha and Eowyn were seated down near the front, but I had a feeling they would ambush me back in the common room. "What took you so long?" I asked him as he sat down.


"Security," he mumbled and then rested his head on his hand. He wasn't acting the same. Usually the first day back he was smug and cold in order to remind everyone where they place was now. Now it looked as if he could care less. Looking up from the table, I noticed members of Dumbledore's Army were staring over at me. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna, they all were looking confused. Then again, I did disappear on them last year. Who knows how many letters I had gotten? I bet they were all confiscated. I had just realized Harry wasn't anywhere near them and he was usually right between his friends. I had seen him on the train.


Dinner started and I filled my plate. It was weird not talking to anyone. Dasha and Eowyn were far down with Maeve. I wanted to talk with them but it would all be lies. I hated lying, but it's become so normal for me to do. Just as dessert started, I really began to wonder where Harry was. I wasn't even hungry. Maybe something had happened or maybe he was getting some special award or something. All the Professors were here though, well except for Snape...that can't be good. He was definitely not getting a special reward from Snape.


"Hey, have you seen..." I began saying to Draco but then the doors opened and in walked Snape followed by Harry. He was in his regular muggle clothing and holding up a rag to his nose, a very bloody rag. "Did you have something to do with that?" I snapped at Draco, he didn't saying anything but smirked. I knew it was him. The entire room was starring at Harry as he walked in. "What is wrong with you?" I said to Draco but didn't want a response.


Harry turned in his seat and glared at Draco only confirming my accusation. Goyle, Zabini, and Crabbe all seemed very impressed. "Potter got what was coming for him," Draco said proudly. Dumbledore stood up and his hand was blackened. He must be hurt, having a black hand was never good. He looked burnt and everyone began murmuring at the Slytherin table about it.


"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore greeted and everyone applauded, well not everyone. "Before I begin my speech, I would like to announce a few changes." He motioned over to a wizard I had never recognized before. It must be that Slugclub guy. "Let's give a kind welcome to Professor Horace Slughorn, who will be teaching Potions." Slughorn stood up but there was very little applause, many people were looking around in confusion.


"Potions?" someone from another table said loudly as many other students said it. If he's teaching potions, than who's teaching...


"Professor Snape, will be taking over Defense Against the Dark Arts." Snape merely raised a hand and nodded. There was a loud break out of applause coming from my table, including Draco. I sat there in silence, Snape hated me! How could Dumbledore let Snape take over this post? The other tables let out gasps or protest, but Dumbledore continued. For once Snape looked very happy.

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