Chapter Seventeen

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Last chapter of this book and then onto the last one. I'll leave my A/N at the end.

Chapter Seventeen:

I fell back asleep and when I woke up an hour later, everyone was gone. I was glad. I couldn't look at them anymore, knowing what I had done all year. I stood up without even asking Madame Pomfrey if I could leave. I noticed a note was placed under arm. I picked it up, the bottom was signed Silvius. How it got there, I'll never know.


If you're reading this then that means you're safe. I asked Jake to give it to you. I don't think he trust me now that he knows which side I am on, but I have convinced him to give this to you. What I said though wasn't a lie. Desmond is looking for you. You're staying with Jake over the summer, and you have to stay with him. Don't go off alone and whatever you do, do not go back to Hogwarts next year.


That wasn't going to be hard, because I didn't want to come back here. Silvius was obviously warning me and he was someone I would listen too. Would Jake still want me to stay with him after what I said? Probably not. I was in no way going to drag my Godfather into this war. I wasn't even going to let anyone know about him for that matter. I stepped outside the hall still feeling guilty for everything. I felt empty. Harry was outside the door when I got there. "Carlie, I just wanted to say...I don't blame you," he said quickly.

"But you should," I answered him truthfully. I ran out of tears, but seeing him would have probably made me start to cry if it were possible. He suffered so much. I could have warned him about Draco, but I didn't. "You had been trying to warn me all year and I just didn't listen. I'm so sorry, about everything."

"No one is blaming you. Everyone feels at fault. Draco would have found a way to get what he was doing done and Snape still would have killed Dumbledore." I slowly nodded, still feeling bad. "I have to get going, but will I see you later at the service for Dumbledore?" I nodded. I would definitely be there for that.

"Carlie, if it makes you feel any better...Draco wasn't going to kill Dumbledore." I turned to look at Harry. "He hesitated and lowered his wand, he wouldn't have done it." I nodded. It still didn't make me feel any better.

When I got back to the common room, it was almost instinctive to look for Draco, but I know knew he wasn't going to be there. He was actually never going to be here again. It was filled with students dressed nicely to attend the service, even the Slytherin's would be going I assumed. I passed by Dasha and Eowyn with a small smile before getting ready.

Everything I did was robotic that day. I couldn't think at the moment. "Need something to wear?" Veronica asked walking in. I was dressed in my robes at the moment. I didn't have anything nice to wear to his service. I was in no way wearing the red dress I wore the Death Eater ball. "You can wear this one." She tossed me a simple white short sleeve dress. She was dressed in a light purple one. "We can go down together."

Veronica and I walked down to the service and took our seats in the middle. My heart broke as I watched everyone crying. Hagrid was the one to carry Dumbledore's lifeless body to the white marble tomb and it was devastating to see him cry. My heart ached of guilt and how I trusted someone who had caused this.

The memorial passed by slowly as people got up to speak about Dumbledore. I was out of tears at this point, but I saw from the front that Hermione and Ginny weren't. Even Ron was looking teary eyed. Harry was dry eyed. He must have been out of tears as well. I noticed Jake was seated behind him and I was going to have to speak with him soon. When it ended, everyone got up and many people just left. Veronica turned to me. "Well," she said. "I best get packing."

"Where are you going this summer?" I asked her. I hoped after what happened she wasn't going to go live with her Death Eater father.

"I'm going to stay with Fred and George over the summer," she answered. "At their shop, because I'm not going home. I'm not keeping my promise to my father. I'm going to help fight. After this I'm going with the Order, to give all the information I know. Will you be okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I have somewhere to say." I hope. "I'll see you soon?" We stood up and I hugged her closely.

"Of course," she responded. I would miss her, she was a friend who understood everything I was going through. Finally, someone I could tell everything too without getting into trouble.

"Bye Nica," I said as we both turned and headed our separate ways. Jake was now walking towards me and I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Jake..." I said walking closer and he surprised me by hugging me. "I'm so sorry, for everything. Everything I said and did, I'm so stupid."

"I know," he replied and I couldn't help but laugh. "You're forgiven."

"You don't hate me?"

"I couldn't hate you, even if I wanted to."

From there I left immediately with Jake, and it pained me as I dragged my trunk from the common room that it may be the last time I ever leave this room. A war was starting, and I wasn't coming back to Hogwarts next year. I suppose it was for the best, but I would miss this place. Aside from all the terrible memories it had given me, my greatest memories and greatest friends were given to me here.

As I dragged my trunk outside towards Jake, we left from there. We weren't going to Headquarters, the Order believes Snape may have given the Death Eaters the location. Jake had a small hidden apartment near the Ministry and he was going to train me there. As we left, Draco popped into my mind again. I didn't know where he was, but I hated the fact that I still wondered. I shouldn't care but I think I still did. Where ever Draco was though, I assumed it wasn't good. The Death Eaters would be looking for me and when they found me I would be ready.

Omg tears;(

I would also like to thank you, for making this my most commented on story.

Alright I'm currently working on the last book & have the first few chapters done. BUT, I'd like to wait before posting it because I always go back & change things. I have it planned out though, the next one will be about 20 chapters. So, thanks to everyone's who kept up with this story so far! Seriously, if I hadn't gotten all these votes & comments, I wouldn't be writing. So thanks & make sure to leave your final feedback on this book. Onto the next!

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