Chapter Two

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Hope you're liking it so far. Now back to Carlie's POV!

Chapter Two

I was trapped in my own personal hell. If I had thought the Salem house was bad, this was a thousand times worse. Here I sat in and old dark and dusty guest room. The door was locked from the outside. No windows or anything. What made it even worse was knowing that I was surrounded by some of the most dangerous wizards alive, Death Eaters.


After Desmond apparated away with me we didn't end up going to the Salem house. He lied per usual. We apparated to Malfoy Manor, which was now the Death Eater's headquarters. When we arrived I looked up to see my family gathered in the entrance hall with trunks. Once the Dark Lord officially returned, many of the Death Eater's were caught and the ones who had escaped were exposed to the public. Desmond Nyx at the moment was now a wanted man, but the Death Eaters were slowly taking over the Ministry and all the previously wanted criminals were off the hook. So Desmond would soon roam freely. 


Malfoy Manor was dark and reminded me of our home back in Salem, of course this had to be much bigger. I've never seen it on the outside but with the amount of people it was currently holding it must be extreme. When I first came here, I had landed on the cold hard stone in front of my family. Then I realized there were others, such as Bellatrix Lestrange coming out of a green fire and a few of my father's colleagues.


"What happened?" Bellatrix snapped at my father. Her black hair was a mess and hanging in her face. She was terrifying. She was wild looking and glared darkly at me. Of course she recognized me from fighting with Harry. I had a feeling that I was on bad terms with her, and that that wasn't a good thing. "Where are the others?"


"Captured," muttered father releasing my arm as I slammed onto the cold floor. I was in a lot of pain. My ribs were still bleeding and I was positive it wasn't going to stop any time soon. I didn't want to cry in front of them, but it was that painful. Feeling my right side I felt sharpness sticking out and removed a piece of glass dropping it onto the floor.


"Oh my- Carlie," Silvius said stepping towards me and I looked up at him. I wondered if he knew what was going on, he must. Why were they all here though? Silvius pulled my hand back away and looked at the wound. "Merlin...that looks really bad..." Usually he was positive when things were bad, so for him to say that it must be terrible. "Someone help her." He looked behind him frantically.


"She deserves what she gets," muttered Bellatrix glaring dangerously at me. "Why if I was your parent I would let you bleed to death."


"I never said I wasn't going to let her bleed to death," Desmond responded. He wasn't my parent and he knew it. He had no right making any decision for me. So they were just going to let me sit here and bleed to death? I looked up at my mother but she was staring blankly at the wall not responding to anything.


"No!" Silvius argued standing up facing Desmond. My father raised his wand at Silvius. I didn't want to see anyone fight or get hurt...unless it was Desmond of course. That I could handle watching.


"Give me one good reason," he responded back darkly raising his wand. Again, my mother did nothing. Avelina was in the back of the room with that boy from a while ago and Elvira watched in interest.

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